The Wave was only the beginning
A geologist races against time to save his estranged wife and two children when a devastating earthquake strikes Oslo, Norway.
A geologist races against time to save his estranged wife and two children when a devastating earthquake strikes Oslo, Norway.
Kristoffer Joner Ane Dahl Torp Jonas Hoff Oftebro Edith Haagenrud-Sande Kathrine Thorborg Johansen Fredrik Skavlan Stig R. Amdam Catrin Sagen Ingvild Haugstad Ravdeep Singh Bajwa Tina Schei Hang Tran Per Frisch Hanna Skogstad Runar Døving Agnes Bryhn Røysamb David Kosek Mads A. Andersen Kyrre Mosleth Emilia Oldani Petter Wold Kraglund Vilde K. Worren
Daniel Angyal Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård Baard H. Ingebretsen Johan Rasmus Pram Tormod Ringnes Morten Solum
Séisme, Jordbävningen, Terremoto, Gran Terremoto 9 Grados, Terremoto 2018, 더 퀘이크, Le tremblement de terre, Deprem, The Quake - Das grosse Beben, The Quake - Das große Beben, Skælvet, Разлом, 八級大地震:命懸一劫, Trzęsienie ziemi, Земетресението, 大地震, 芮氏9.6, Ο Σεισμός, 더 퀘이크: 오슬로 대지진, Skalvet, The Quake - Il terremoto del secolo, Землетрус, THE QUAKE/ザ・クエイク, زمین لرزه, A rengés, El gran terremoto, Земљотрес, มหาวิบัติแผ่นดินถล่มโลก, O Terramoto, მიწისძვრა, Địa Chấn, Potres, האדמה רועדת, Terratrémol
So I decided to bump The Wave up to 4.5 stars because while these are both truly amazing disaster films, I think I ever so slightly prefer the first one because the subject matter a smidge more original.
Still, goddamn, Norwegians have a better quality of life then we do AND they know how to make an excellent disaster film so much better than we do so basically what I’m saying is that my new dream is to move to Norway...or maybe just visit?
Seriously though, these Norwegian disaster flicks contain the one ingredient that is always lacking from American versions and that is heart. Like you really care about all of the characters and it makes all the difference in…
we watched without english subtitles so i had no idea what was happening but hey i had fun
"Ey guys let's skip the third act, 'cause we used too much money on marketing and the amazing Skjelvet burger lmao"
Let me talk a sec about Marit, or whatever her name was. The one main girl who's not family. If my dad had died, and some old colleague of his came to my place, would I seemingly drop everything in my life to help him? Help him break into a tunnel, help him gather his family members rather than escape the collapsing city? Hell no. And if I did, you would probably want to know why. Here, we never find out.
Skjelvet is a big mess of a film, but this was the thing that annoyed me the most
THE QUAKE is surprisingly good. A Norwegian disaster movie and special effects extravaganza that actually understands that its characters are far more important than the spectacle of its action and effects. THE QUAKE is by all means an intense nail-biter when it comes to the action - and it is frightening to see Oslo destroyed, but the real drama in THE QUAKE comes from the main character and his struggles with the aftermath of the events that occurred in THE WAVE (yes, this is a sequel) and how that has affected his relationship to his family. It's just damn solid character development and it is at times emotionally devastating.
That THE QUAKE so successfully manages to be an emotionally engaging…
"Oslo has experienced this before..."
After very much enjoying disaster epic The Wave, I was surprised to discover that it spawned a sequel(not that it needed it on any level). I was genuinely curious to see how the further exploits of geologist Kristian unfolded after the events of The Wave. It seems time hasn't been kind to a dishevelled Kristian, as he attempts to reconnect with family in Oslo. The minor sticking point being Kristian's worry of an impending quake there on the magnitude of the 1904 one. More than a little like Jaws 2, or Die Harder, we see Kristian dealing with lightening striking twice, so he goes full on Chief Brody again, seemingly the only character to be…
Structurally odd, no time pressure, flat angles, bleak lighting, laughable child acting, lines no one says in real life, uninspired visual effects (shown from very far away probably because of budget, but when you have the chance to show Norway's capitol getting shred to pieces for the first time in film history and you do it from a bird's eye view. Imagine the White House destruction in Independence Day from an aerial shot). The son is worthless, the country's biggest city is without people (and has only 10 seconds of one black guy), no sirens, no ambulance, no helicopters, none of His Majesty's the King's Guard, the military, the police, no press or reactions from the people in the city. It's the biggest disaster event of Norway which affected nobody.
The follow up to Norwegian disaster movie The Wave is basically the same thing, except this time with an earthquake. We focus on the same guy from the last film, who once again finds himself at the centre of a major catastrophe. Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but isn't this a bit suspicious? I mean, what are the odds of this same guy finding himself right in the middle of one of these things again? Maybe in part three we find out he has shares in a disaster rebuilding company and planned the whole thing! Anyway, The Quake basically goes down the usual sequel route of doing the same thing except bigger, and it doesn't disappoint. The…
Watched as part of Hooptober 11... 11/33
--> 1 film caused by/worsened by weather
--> 6 countries (Norway)
So the debate when I picked The Quake for Hooptober was whether it qualified as a movie caused by or made worse by weather. And does that just mean disaster movie? In which case, does an earthquake count? I think the answer is no, but I Googled it and the US National Weather Service reports on the results of quakes even though they don't track or predict them. So... loophole! And if you disagree, please call the movie cops and I'll be happy to turn myself in.
The Quake is what happens when they make a disaster movie and then get…
I am always interested in watching blockbuster type movies countries other than the United States to see if these countries will get the formula the US popularized and improve upon it. The Wave, directed by Roar Uthuag, improves on the disaster film formula for the most part, and it was a breath of fresh air.
The Quake, the sequel directed by John Andreas Andersen, falls back hard into the most basic and obvious genre tropes, making this outing just another lame “no one believes the main character until it’s too late” disaster movie. What was the point?
I did enjoy two aspects of the film. The first few minutes of the movie shows the main character still…
The Quake - Das große Beben ist ein norwegischer Katastrophenfilm aus dem Jahr 2018 und die Fortsetzung von The Wave - Die Todeswelle.
Der Katastrophenfilm ist technisch gesehen gar nicht mal so schlecht und braucht sich vor den amerikanischen Genrevertreter nicht zu verstecken. Gerade was man da am Ende auf die Beine gestellt hat, sah richtig gut aus.
Aber das Problem des Films war ganz klar, dass er irgendwie lieblos inszeniert war. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt konnte man mit irgendeinem Schauspieler Sympathie aufbauen. Im Gegenteil. Das Schicksal war einem mehr oder weniger egal und das ist für einen Katastrophenfilm überhaupt nicht von Vorteil, denn der lebt von der Emotionalität.
So bleibt als Abschlußfazit schließlich nur hängen: Kann man sich mal anschauen, ist aber schnell wieder vergessen.
So als nächstes widme ich mich für eine Woche unserer Challenge Dubfal-Weihnachtsfilme 2021.
First off, it's nice to see a movie earthquake hit somewhere besides Los Angeles. They always get the shaft in earthquake movies. In this film, Norwegian David Spade attempts to save his estranged wife and kids from a massive earthquake in Oslo. Apparently, and I didn't realize this going in, but this is a sequel to a far superior Norwegian disaster movie called The Wave.
For this one, you have to wait a long time for the earthquake to hit and when it finally does, almost the entire story takes place inside 1 building where somehow the people who went there to warn everyone else end up being the only people stuck inside. Also, dude was an expert in seismic…