I don't think that I could make a proper case for this as a great film, let alone a perfect one. BUT... given its modest goals, its formal peccadilloes and its tiny budget, this is pretty much the perfect version of this material. The best part is the unwavering tone, walking that tightrope of knowing silliness while still maintaining a straight enough face that it never tips over into broad rib-nudge shtick... which then gives it the leeway it needs on the few occasions that it does get openly goofy (e.g. the two-Elvis battle). The more I think about this, the more I like it - you give me a group of friends who, for whatever obsessive reason, have all agreed to dig deep into a hyper-specific aesthetic (like, say, Sunn Classics late-'70s grainy cryptozoological kerfufflery) and come out the other side with a ZAZ-level affectionate-deadpan homage/parody... well, yeah, I'm gonna swoon is what I'm gonna do.
The Return of the King?
Releases by Date
Releases by Country
01 Jan 1993
- Theatrical