Freedom Lies Beyond Fear
A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water or electricity.
A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water or electricity.
หนีตายฝ่าตึกทมิฬ, Sem Saída, Trapped – Eingeschlossen, 孤楼求生, В ловушке, Blocat
If it wasn't for this movie I would have never known that rajkumar rao had abs😅.
Trapped is about a guy who is locked in an apartment of a deserted multistory building with no water, no electricity, no food, and his cellphone is also out of battery.
Its a great survival movie, with minimal dialogues there is always an issue that if the actor will be able to deliver a good performance or not and also the skills of the director are tested in a plot like this and both Rajkumar Rao and director Vikramaditya Motwani shines in there respective roles, with amazing performance from Rao he again proves that he has a good range and can nail any role…
Vikramaditya Motwane’s brilliant direction and Rajkummar Rao’s outstanding performance, makes this survival drama engaging enough. The much personal approach and the solid arc, gets you to easily empathize with the lead. The climax was powerful. It’s got a few dips, but nevertheless a solid watch.
"Trapped" was honest, captivating and effective.
I think the synopsis nailed this one lol
Rajkummar Rao felt pretty great through the length.
I think this one did a pretty good job, with some fine directing. For its length and with its circumstances, it achieves a good balance between its elements (a few downs but very acceptable).
It should, quietly, push a few "buttons" in different ways, in a very understated manner, which felt quite accomplished.
A few interesting "touches" related with animals too ^_^
The latter stages were quite thrilling.
The ending was quite "ordinary" but that's how life goes, sometimes.
Overall, definitely a well crafted movie. Quite simplistic and undemanding but achieving quite a lot, despite it. This one should be around the 7 or 8 region, which should depend on how much it resonates with you. I'm going for the latter, as I think the strong moments exceed the weaker ones.
Survival of the fittest
Starting with a small love story of Shaurya and Noorie. Noorie is going to get hitched soon, but Shaurya asks her for a time so he can marry her himself. As Shaurya sets out to buy a an apartment, he gets nothing on the amount he can put now. But after running here and there he finally gets an apartment in a building where no residents are there.
As Shaurya settles in that apartment, in the morning unfortunately he gets Trapped in the apartment with the key outside of the door. Now it all becomes about the Survival.
As you will see he is staying in an apartment located on the 30th floor or above that I think. Even when…
Watched this for the first time today and oh my fucking god Vikramaditya Motwane is such a fantastic director. Works so much better than movies like 127 Hours or The Revenant or Robinson Crusoe because of how it deals with urban loneliness. So much more terrifying that you can be surrounded by millions of people, in a city such as Mumbai and still be entirely alone, with no one to miss or notice your absence.
And of course the movie wouldn't be as claustrophobic as it is without Rajkumar Rao's stellar performance. Brillant, brilliant stuff. Always saw it as anothe generic survival movie but watched it while rewatching Motwane's films. Sorry for doubting you sir.
Holy shit dude. MOTWANE. Such an amazing filmmaker.
Você é um homem ou é um rato?
Na primeira parte do filme Shaurya é um ratinho assustado querendo brincar de casinha, depois de um trauma desesperador temos alguém que acordou para a realidade e consegue enfrentar os seus medos.
O filme em 04 partes:
1.Noorie tentando pegar na mão do medroso Shaurya no ônibus.
2.A porta se fechando.
3.A grade se partindo.
4.No hospital, Noorie, com a aliança de casamento no dedo, afastando a mão ao toque de Shaurya.
Dica: Se puder compre um apartamento na Índia, os materiais são de primeira qualidade.
I adore people who are so imaginative without having a large budget, especially if they have a very brilliant idea and a cheap budget.
In such a little area, a lot of imaginative images and tense scenes are extremely skillfully displayed.
The story is straightforward and relies less on words and more on the breathtaking sights. The movie succeeds in making me feel helpless because of the claustrophobic atmosphere it creates.
For the first time in my life I felt bad about eating between a film.
Film-film tipikal kayak gini sih emang paling favorite gue. Banyak film yang bertemakan survive seperti ini yang udah gue tonton. Kualitas cerita Trapped ini lumayan lah, drama awalnya dapet, dan konflik cendrung cepet masuknya.
Gabungan film zombie asal prancis (gue lupa judulnya) sama Frozen sih ini, kejebak di apartement, goblok asli, gak kebayang. Adegan nya ga sengilu film yg serupa memang tapi Trapped ini realistis sih.
Adegan flashback nya juga membantu memperdalam cerita. Aktor utama nya juga kece aktingnya. Ending akhirnya lumayan lah!
●emang kemana mana harus cas hp dan jangan lupa bawa powerbank! 😂
Honestly really loved this it’s executed so well and the situation our main character finds himself in is equally terrifying and uncomfortable, the direction and the claustrophobic feel of the movie is brilliant, they were able to do a lot of really creative shots and nerve racking stuff in a small apartment room, Rajkumar Raos performance is brilliant and you can really see how he becomes more and more paranoid and desperate throughout the whole thing.
I really love how the movie doesn’t rely too much on dialogue, a lot of the movie could easily be watched with just the visuals, the narrative is really simple and straightforward but it’s elevated due to the Fantastic Direction and the performance. It…