The first TMNT direct-to-video movie! Meet Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo, the Renaissance turtles who are fighting evil for truth, justice and a larger slice of pizza. Heroes in a half shell... Turtle Power!
The first TMNT direct-to-video movie! Meet Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo, the Renaissance turtles who are fighting evil for truth, justice and a larger slice of pizza. Heroes in a half shell... Turtle Power!
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: How It All Began, Las Tortugas Ninja: Comienza la Epopeya, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
"April, why do humans want to make themselves look dumber than they already are!?" - That's a great question.
It's the 1980s and ragtag groups of thugs run wild on the streets of New York City. Channel 6 news reporter April O'Neil is reporting on a story about stolen science equipment when a gang chases her into a sewer, poop depository for us but home to four heroes. Mutated humanoid turtles known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their master, a humanoid rat named Splinter. It's here that she learns about the illegal dumping of a mutagen fluid that combines living things with the last species they touched. Splinter was a Japanese sensei who last touched the turtles them…
Here I am, giving this five stars.
Watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem in theaters back in August, awoke something within me. Sitting there with a bunch of pumped-up kids, reminded me of how much these mutated reptiles used to mean to me as a child.
Growing up in Sweden in the late 90s, my two major exposures of Turtles were through all the awesome-looking toys and the comic books. When it comes to the actual show however, I never really saw it, I’m sure it aired here but never on a channel I watched at that time.
So in that sense, the original TMNT-show is in this special place where it tingles my nostalgia yet isn’t something I’m all too familiar with. I’m not sure…
Project Rewatch 6/89
As a child I was obsessed with Ninja Turtles, Sonic, Batman, and Star Trek, basically in that chronological order. So Ninja Turtles was my first and for a while most intense obsession. I had a Ninja Turtles bedspread, I drew pictures of the Technodrome with markers at daycare. It was a Big Deal to me. And the 1987 cartoon was where it all started.
I remember renting this specific VHS from the video store an obnoxious number of times. I tended to annoy the heck out of my parents by wanting to watch the same things over and over and over. Watching it still gives me a warm, comfortable feeling.
... like a Ninja Turtles bedspread.
I have no nostalgic attachment to this interation of the Turtles. My in with this franchise was the 2003 series. I heard that that series did a disservice to this interation with the movie "Turtles Forever," so to give it a fair shot (I only watched the 7th season which I thought was meh) I went back and watched the first season.
I'm sorry, but "Turtles Forever" depicted them pretty accurately. These guys are utterly incompetent. Each joke they crack aren't really that funny and are just groan inducing. It might be just me though, I wasn't born in the 80's, I was born in 1997. This kind of humor probably just goes over my head.
This probably has the…
i think this is the first time i've watched a full episode of this show as an adult and my biggest takeaway is that April's characterization rules. she basically treats knowing these goofballs as a necessary burden and and puts her career over her own life every five minutes
Pretty funny and the animation is a little better on this early one
Watched the whole first season (and read the first seven issues of the comics) on the plan back to Mississippi
Turtle Power!
Kinda crummy, to be honest? I'm often pleasantly surprised by how well some of the entertainment of my youth holds up upon a rewatch (while I should perhaps be concerned that my critical faculties haven't become more refined in the decades since...) but I was honestly never all that into the TMNT cartoon. Now, I was obsessed with the franchise as a kid (I'd been into the comics since before they became a global phenomenon, and I had merchandise out the literal wazoo), but the animated series just seemed like such a watered-down and effortless affair compared to every other narrative iteration of the Turtles' adventures. Seeing it now, this opening miniseries really does seem like little more than a cash-in.…
Perfect sunday morning entertainment.