Dr. John C. Wright
Professor Emeritus of Psychology

- B.A., Wittenberg University (Psychology) 1970
- M.A., Miami University, Oxford, OH (Psychology) 1972
- Ph.D., Miami University, Oxford, OH (Experimental Psychology) 1976
Animal Behavior
- Wright, J.C. (2009). Dog Behavior. In J. Mays (Ed). National Animal Control Association Training Guide (3rd ed. Ch6 pp. 1-20). Kansas City: NACA.
- Wright, J.C., Smith, A., Daniel, K., & Adkins, K. (2007). Dog breed stereotype and exposure to negative behavior: Effects on perceptions of adoptability. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 10(3), 255- 265.
- Wright, J.C., Reid, P. & Rozier, Z. (2005). Treatment of Emotional Distress & Disorders –Non-pharmacological Methods. In (Editor: McMillan, F.D.), Mental Health and Well-being of Animals, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA.
- Wright, J.C. (2005). Comment on van Kerkhove’s “Wolf-Pack Theory.” Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 7(4), 295-298.
- Wright, J.C. & Amoss, Richard T. (2004). Aggression, Soiling and Time-of-Gonadectomy in Household Kittens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 224, 1790-1795.
- Wright, J.C. (2000). Dog behavior (Canis familiaris). In D.W. Larson (Ed). National Animal Control Association Training Guide (2nd ed). Kansas City: NACA, Ch6, 1-19.
- Greene, C.E., Goldstein, E.J.C., & Wright, J.C. (1998). Bite wound infections. In C.E. Greene (Ed). Infectious diseases of the dog and cat (2nd ed.). Phila.: W.B. Saunders Co., 330-337.
- Hahn, M.E., & Wright, J.C. (1998). The influence of genes on social behavior of dogs. In T. Grandin (Ed). Genetics and the behavior of domestic animals. San Diego: Academic Press, 299-318. Ch6 pp1-19.
- Wright, J.C. (1996). Canine aggression: Dog bites to people. In V. L. Voith & P. L. Borchelt (Eds.), Readings in companion animal behavior. New Jersey: Veterinary Learning Systems, 240-246.
- Gershman, K.A., Sacks, J.J., & Wright, J.C. (1994). Which dogs bite? A case-control study of risk factors.Pediatrics, 93,(6), 913-917.
- Voith, V.L., Wright, J.C., & Danneman, P.J. (1992). Is there a relationship between canine behavior problems and spoiling activities, anthropomorphism, and obedience training? Applied Animal Behavior Science, 34, 263-272.
- Wright, J.C. (1992), Review of: Shipp, A.D., 1991 Crown Reduction – Disarming of Biting Pets for Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, May, 4.
- Wright, J.C. (1991). Canine aggression toward people: Bite scenarios and prevention. In A. R. Marder & V. L. Voith (Eds.), Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice – Vol. 21, No. 2, Advances in Companion Animal Behavior. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 299-314.
- Wright, J.C. (1990). Reported dog bites: Are owned and stray dogs different? Anthrozoos, 4, (2), 113-119.
- Wright, J.C. (1990). Reported cat bites: Characteristics of the cats, the victims, and the attack settings. Public Health Reports, 105, (4), 420-424.
- Wright, J.C. (1989). Canine behavior. In J. Rhoades (Ed). National Animal Control Association Training Guide. Baton Rouge, LA: National Animal Control Association, 61-76.
- Wright, J.C., & Nesselrote, M.S. (1987). Classification of behavior problems in dogs: Distributions of age, breed, sex, and reproductive status. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 19, 169-178.
- Moss, S.P., & Wright, J.C. (1987). The effects of dog ownership on judgements of dog bite likelihood. Anthrozoos, 1, (2), 95-99.
- Wright, J.C. (1985). Severe dog attacks: Characteristics of the dogs, the victims, and the attack settings. Public Health Reports, 100, (1), 55-61. (pdf)
- Wright, J.C. (1983). The effects of differential rearing on exploratory behavior in puppies. Applied Animal Ethology, 10, 27-34. (pdf)
- Wright, J.C. & Moore, D. (1982). Comments on animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge. Public Health Reports, 97, (4), 380-381.
- Wright, J.C. (1980). The development of social structure during the primary socialization period in German shepherds. Developmental Psychobiology, 13, (1), 17-24.
- Wright, J.C. (1980). Early development of exploratory behavior and dominance in three litters of German shepherds. In E. Simmel (Ed.), Early Experiences and Early Behavior: Implications for Social Development. New York: Academic Press, 181-206.
- Wright, J.C. (1977). The development of primary socialization in German shepherds (Doctoral dissertation, Miami University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 37, 3360B.
- Wright, J.C. & Simmel, E.C. (1976). Agonistic behavior and social reactivity of LG/J mice in both an arena and a semi-natural setting. Aggressive Behavior, 2, 11-18.
- Simmel, E.C., Wright, J.C., & Smith, M.L. (1974). Changes in leukocyte levels associated with rearing conditions in C57BL /10J mice. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3, 269-270.
- Cross, H.A., Laux, L.J., Wright, J.C., Pezoldt, V.J., Lowenstein, J.J., Vincent, T.D., & King, N.W. (1969). Behavioral selectivity in tropical fish. Psychonomic Science, 17, 297-298.
- Wright, J.C. & Lashnits, J.W. (2001). Ain’t misbehavin’: The groundbreaking program for happy, well-behaved pets and their people. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.
- Wright, J.C. & Lashnits, J.W. (1999). The dog who would be king: Tales and surprising lessons from a pet psychologist. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.
- Wright, J.C. & Lashnits, J.W. (1994). Is your cat crazy? Solutions from the casebook of a cat therapist. N.Y.: Macmillan. (Ever Clean Feline Behavior Award, 1995; Cat Writers Association Certificate of Excellence Award,& 1st place, for ‘Book – Instructional Non-Fiction’)
Conference Papers Presented
- Hetts, S., Wright, J.C., Estep, D, & Nitschke, M.L. (March, 2016). Panel: Your place or mine: The effect of setting on behavior consulting, process and treatment. 20th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior, Phoenix, AZ.
- Wright, J.C. & V.L. Voith. (March, 2014). Panel: Aggression and the castration controversy. 18th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior, Tucson, AZ.
- Reid, P. & Wright, J.C. (March, 2011). Dominance in dogs. 15th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior, New Orleans, LA.
- Wright, J.C. (July, 2010). The development of behavior problems in puppies (Canis lupus familiaris) and kittens (Felis catus). 47th Animal Behavior Society meeting, Williamsburg, VA
- Hunthausen,, W., Wright, J.C., & S. Hetts, (February, 2009). Panel: Marketing behavior services and ethics. 13th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior, Tucson, AZ.
- Wright, J.C. (August, 2008). A multiple time-sample comparison of behavior problems in kittens (Felis catus) and puppies (Canis familiaris). 45th Animal Behavior Society meeting, Snowbird, UT.
- Wright, J.C. (February, 2008). Critiquing a published applied manuscript: Can you replicate this?”12th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior, New Orleans, LA
- Wright, J.C. (March, 2006). Context-specific compulsive nibbling in a four year old dog (Canis familiaris). 10th Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior. Las Vegas, NV.
- Adkins, K., Duffy, T., Smith, A., Daniel, K., & Wright, J.C. (May 2004). The effects of temperament and breed on perceptions of adoptability of shelter dogs. Georgia Psychological Association, Hilton Head, S.C.
- Wright, J.C. & Amoss, Richard T. (June, 2003). Aggression, inappropriate elimination and gonadectomy in household kittens (Felis Catus). American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA.
- Wright, J.C. (February, 2003). Animal Shelter Behavior Programs Panel. Interdisciplinary Forum on Applied Animal Behavior, Austin, TX.
- Wright, J.C. (March, 2002). Panic elicited voiding associated with fear of defecating in an adult female cat (Felis catus): A case report. 6th Interdisciplinary Forum in Applied Animal Behavior, Tampa, FL
- Wright, J.C. (March, 2001). Early-age gonadectomy and behavior in puppies (Canis familiaris): A progress report. 5th Interdisciplinary Forum in Applied Animal Behavior, Newburg, NY
- Wright, J.C. (March 2000). On the development of a behavioral assessment tool for shelter dogs. 4th Interdisciplinary Forum in Applied Animal Behavior, Austin, TX
- Wright, J.C. (July, 1999). Canine communicative behavior and the development of role-relationships. Invited scientific paper, American Veterinary Medical Association meeting, New Orleans, LA
- Wright, J.C. (July 1998). Early age neutering and behavior in household kittens (Felis catus). Invited scientific paper, American Veterinary Medical Association meeting, Baltimore.
- Wright, J.C., Neubert, D.E. & Amoss, R.T. (June, 1997). Early-age gonadectomy and inappropriate elimination in household kittens (Felis catus). Animal Behavior Society meeting, College Park, MD.
- Crowell-Davis, S., Clark, J.D., Rager, D., Evans, D. & Wright, J.C.(1996, July). Keeping dogs in cages: Effects on their behavior and health. American Veterinary Medical Association meeting, Louisville, KY.
- Wright, J.C. & Neubert, D. (1995, March). The effects of early-age gonadectomy in kittens (Felis catus). Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, Savannah.
- Wright, J.C., Presley, Y., & Neubert, D. (1994, July). The effects of early-age gonadectomy on behavior and behavior problems in kittens (Felis catus). Animal Behavior Society meeting, Seattle, WA
- Wright, J.C., Presley, Y., Pope, B., & Neubert, D. (1994, March). Early behavior and behavioral problems in domestic kittens: The effects of early-age gonadectomy. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA
- Wright, J.C., & Walton, M.K. (1992, June). Dog/victim characteristics associated with bites to young children. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Kingston, Ontario.
- Wright, J.C. (1991, June). A behavioral assessment procedure for the evaluation of dangerous/vicious dogs. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Wilmington, NC.
- Wright, J.C., & Walton, M.K. (1991, March). Dog bites to different-aged children. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Wright, J.C. (1989, November). Companion animals and their victims: Characteristics of the bite event. Animal Behavior Symposium, Delta Society Confer., Parsippany, NJ.
- Wright, J.C. (1989, June). A comparison of stray-dog and cat bites. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Highland Hts, KY.
- Wright, J.C. (1989, March). Reported dog bites: Are strays different from owned dogs? Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, Washington, DC
- Wright, J.C., & Prescott, C. (1988, August). Reported cat bites: Characteristics of the bite event. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Missoula, MT
- Wright, J.C., Montalvo, Jr., A., Prescott, C. & Kelley, P.(1988, March). An analysis of pet and victim variables associated with cat and dog bites. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Wright, J.C., & Lockwood, R. (1987, June). Behavioral testing of dogs implicated in a fatal attack on a young child. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Williamstown, MA.
- Marder, A.R., Voith, V.L., & Wright, J.C. (1986, August). Analysis of different types of aggression in dogs presented for behavior problems. Delta Society International Conference, Boston, MA.
- Voith, V.L., Wright, J.C., & Danneman, P.J. (1986, July). Are canine behavior problems related to owners “spoiling” their dogs or to obedience training? American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Moss, S., Wright, J.C. (1986, June). Does dog ownership affect judgements of bite likelihood? Animal Behavior Society meeting, Tucson, AZ.
- Wright, J.C., Metzger, R., Harris, J., & Moss, S. (1986, March). Recognition of visual features predictive of dog bites in animal control officers. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Wright, J.C., Kimmerling, K., Moss, S., & Metzger, R. (1985, June). The recognition of visual signals predictive of dogbites: Developmental and gender-related differences in humans. Invited paper session: “Behavior and Misbehavior of Companion Animals,” Animal Behavior Society meeting, NC.
- Wright, J.C., Kimmerling, K., Moss, S. & Metzger, R. (1985, March). Recognition of visual signals predictive of dogbites in children. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Wright, J.C., Fillingim, R., & Nesselrote, M. (1984, August). Classification of behavior problems in dogs: Influence of age, breed, sex and reproductive status. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Cheney, WA.
- Wright, J.C. (1983, June). Severe dog bites: Characteristics of dogs, victims, and attack contexts. Animal Behavior Society meeting, Lewisburg, PA.
- Wright, J.C. (1983, March). Diagnosis of behavior problems in dogs & cats. Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, Atlanta.
Published Books
- Ain’t Misbehavin’: The Groundbreaking Program For Happy, Well-Behaved Pets And Their People (2001)
- The Dog Who Would Be King (1999)
- Is Your Cat Crazy?: Solutions From The Casebook Of A Cat Therapist (1996)
Media Interviews
- Media Interviews
Video Compilation
Featuring: Dr. John Wright
Updated December 18, 2008 - The Pet Cast
Solutions to Cat Behavioral Problems
Dr. John Wright
Saturday November 8, 2008 - Dog’s got the back-to-school blues
Pets can get down when their favorite people spend time away
By: Kim Campbell Thornton
MSNBC contributor
Updated 10:00 a.m. ET, Mon., Sept. 17, 2007 - Ask the Behaviorist
Cat Questions and Answers
By: Dr. John Wright
NOVA Online | Animal Hospital
Last Posted February 18, 1998 - This Is The Right Way To Talk To Your Dog
By: Abigail Wilt
Southern Living