The right mix of automation elements is crucial for creating a consistent process yielding high-quality donuts and baked goods. By Roger Dyer, Mel-O-Cream Donuts International Mel-O-Cream, a commercial bakery in Springfield, IL, has been baking and perfecting donuts since 1932. From measuring precise ingredient amounts and maintaining a consistent mixing process, to ensuring uniform dough…
ApplicationApplication StoriesFood and BeverageHMIIndustryIssue 51 2024Machine ControlOperator InterfacePLCProductProgrammable Control
In-House Automation Focuses on People, Plant, and Profit
A cheese manufacturer developed in-house automation capabilities to keep legacy equipment running and responsively adjust to production demands. Many companies rely on external firms for automation upgrades and changes, and this works well for countless applications. But Pacific Cheese Company faced a dual challenge of maintaining and improving manual and legacy systems, while at the…
ApplicationCircuit ProtectionElectrical PowerFood and BeverageProcess ControlProductRelays & TimersTerminal Blocks & Wiring
Robotic Beer Dispenser Hits the Ground Running
Reliable, rugged, and economical automation components are essential building blocks for bringing high-tech into consumer-facing applications. After working for more than a decade on industrial and automation projects, Grayson Dawson founded Hop Robotics to bring high-technology robotic serving systems to the food & beverage and hospitality sectors. He wrote a success story article that ran…
Although we generally think of industrial enclosures as protecting components inside the box, it is also important to understand how they work with the environment outside the box. Jody Kinney, product manager at AutomationDirect, wrote an article for the July 2021 issue of Processing titled Thinking Inside and Outside the Box. Here’s a summary, click…
One of the most common types of control components seen in the food and beverage industry are discrete sensors. Discrete applications in the food and beverage industry are processes or operations that perform a series of predetermined steps and typically use devices whose operation is either “On” or “Off”; examples include sensors that detect the…
The Food and Beverage industry is a growing and changing field that’s becoming more and more reliant on automation and finding efficiencies. Click below to download our Food and Beverage book to see all of the latest trends. Topics Include:
Automation methods used in a distillery are adapted for use in the fermentation process at a brewhouse. By: Avi Aisenberg, CEO and Proprietor at South Florida Distillers South Florida Distillers is the oldest distillery in the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company is now branching out into the design business by working with 26°…
NEMA rating is one of those standards that is at times misunderstood or even ignored. However, it is an important specification that must be considered when buying a NEMA rated product to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. For this post, let’s use enclosures as an example of a NEMA rated product. NEMA rated…
Equipment SafetyFood and BeverageFood Beverage AutomationIndustryLearning ResourcesOnline BlogOnline Only
What is IP69K?
IP69K Definition IP69K is a product standard rating developed to ensure that products carrying this rating comply with required simulated environmental conditions. The most common areas requiring IP69K devices are areas where heavy washdowns are required. Therefore, IP69K rated devices are a must to prevent damage to electronic devices and instrumentation during the washdown procedures….
ApplicationApplication StoriesDrivesFood and BeverageFood Beverage AutomationHMIIndustryMachine ControlOperator InterfacePLCProductProgrammable ControlVariable Speed Drives
Systems & Controls Takes Time for Tea
Systems & Controls in Lenoir City, Tennessee, was contacted by a scale manufacturing company to develop a brewed tea and coffee container filling machine using four weight transmitters, a DirectLOGIC DL-205 PLC, a RHINO power supply, a C-more touch panel and a GS2 variable frequency drive.