Bray (Irish: Bré, meaning "hill", formerly Brí
Chualann) is a town in north County Wicklow, Ireland. It is a busy urban
centre and seaside resort, with a population of
making it the ninth largest urban area in Ireland at the 2011 census. (
Bray is 19 km south of Dublin Ireland, while Dublin is extremely historic, Bray is a much more urban place. both are successful but each have different feels, if you're in the area I suggest you visit both, there's SO much culture to learn about these two places.
The population might not be extremely high but they do get a lot of tourists, and it is in ireland so don't expect the climate to e hot.
bray has all kinds of things Dublin doesn't though, some might say quorkes. for instance According to local legislation, anyone who didn’t have their 21st birthday in the function room of the martello
is not really from Bray – and is thus subject to ejection from the town
by means of a catapult operated by King of Bray Mick Glynn.
They have an aquarium with a sea food restaurant upstairs? Some might call that strange but don't judge it until you try it!
A mountain with a cross on top.
A Chinese takeaway called Soon Fatt.. Yes really.
The fanciest McDonalds in the world, and so many, MANY more, not to mention scenery that will blow your socks off.
esplanade hotel in bray, ireland