Lilac and Ladybugs

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

it's not the markhelly show!!!!! it's not the markgemma show either!!!!!!!!!! it's the "can you fundamentally grind an adult human being's consciousness down into nothing, cutting them off from their entire sense of self, thus turning them into an ideal blank slate ala 1800's euroamerican christian theories about children being pure souls without sin FOR the furthering of some fucked up capitalist cult's unknown goals" show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


theory that when someone undergoes the severance procedure their subconsicous needs or desires manifest as the primary motivator of their innie, i.e dylans work ethic, helenas deep seeded rebellion, marks detached leadership, irvings devotion to lumon and desperation to love and be loved, gemmas clean slate and almost naive enjoyment of life. hokd on i need a cigarette and a red string board.

severance spoilers