Lili On The Loose

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

My Top Instagrams from 2023

This was a tough year. Starting with recovering from Wrist Surgery, plenty of physical therapy, and end ending with the death of my beloved Tessa. My Instagram top 9 is filled with photos from her last few weeks, and many comments from friends and family morning her passing. Thank you.
Beyond that, my Instagram was filled with photos from my NYC trip, but it seems beyond a work trip to Seattle,…


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2023 Boulder Broadway Colorado CORF Death instagram play Renaissance Fair RenFair Seattle Spa St. Julien Tessa Theater Washington

Salem, MA Travelogue: Day 2 in The Witch City

Salem, MA Travelogue: Day 2 in The Witch City

Fall is almost upon us (although its 90 degrees in Colorado this week), and I’m reminicing on last year’s October trip to Salem.
I spent 2 days in early October in Salem, and everything I had heard about how busy and touristy Salem would be was true. But I went in knowing that there would be long lines and kitchy witchy stuff, so didn’t mind.
Day 2
The next day I checked out very early. I had…


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Salem, MA Travelogue: Day 1 in The Witch City

Salem, MA Travelogue: Day 1 in The Witch City

Fall is almost upon us (although its 90 degrees in Colorado this week), and I’m reminicing on last year’s October trip to Salem.
I spent 2 days in early October in Salem, and everything I had heard about how busy and touristy Salem would be was true. But I went in knowing that there would be long lines and kitchy witchy stuff, so didn’t mind.
Getting There:
Salem and the road to get there is…


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2021 Bewitched Cemetery Charter Street Cemetery filming location Ghost Tour Heritage Trail Hocus Pocus MA Massachusetts Memorial Peabody Essex Museum Proctor&039;s Ledge Memorial Salem Salem Witch Trials Memorial The Burying Point Witch Witch City Witch House Witch Trials Witches