Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity

Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity - Free Coloring Pages and Scavenger Hunt { }

It wasn’t too long ago that I saw a friend on Instagram share how she had spray painted some rocks gold and had her kids hunt for them. She said they loved it. I knew my kids would too, and decided I wanted to put together a little Pirate Map Scavenger Hunt for them (thanks for the idea, Cherish!!) 😉 I spent some time designing a Pirate Map and coming up with general clues I thought everyone would be able to use. I also picked up some gold spray paint along with some rocks from the backyard and gave them a quick little makeover.

I knew there were a few different ways to do this but thought it would be fun for them to collect the “gold” as they went to the different spots around the house. It ended with a little treasure box with each of the kids’ favorite candy in it and a few more gold pieces. The whole activity was a huge success. The kids ran from each clue spot so excitedly that the hubby and I couldn’t help but smile as they did it. Although it didn’t last long the kids decided they each wanted their own map and got to color it afterwards. I think we’ll have to do it each summer… just long enough time where they would actually have to figure out the clues again. 😉

If you’re looking for a simple but fun activity for your kids to do and enjoy this summer, then I highly recommend this one. It’s super easy and really fun!

Here’s what you’ll need if you want to do it…


– Rocks

– Gold Spray Paint

– Scrapbook paper (if you want to print the map onto “old looking” paper)

– Treats for the End


Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity - Free Coloring Pages and Scavenger Hunt { }

Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity - Free Coloring Pages and Scavenger Hunt { }

 1. Begin by spray painting your rocks gold and letting them dry. I ended up doing 2 coats.



FREE Printable Pirate Map - a fun coloring page for the kids! { }


Free Printable Pirate Map

I had some brown, old-looking type scrapbook paper that I cut to 8.5×11″ big that I printed it on. I thought it would look more real. 😉 After I printed it I kind of crumpled it up a bit to make it look old – kids loved it!!

I also printed some onto regular white paper for them to color.

This is how it turned out:

Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity - Free Coloring Pages and Scavenger Hunt { }

Like I said, kids loved it!!

Here are the CLUES I made to go with it:

– Go to the place where mom and dad lay down, there some gold pieces can be found.

– Go out back and find the largest tree, how many pieces will you find? ONE, TWO, THREE!

– There’s a place you go to play with toys, it’s also the place to find gold to enjoy.

– Go to the place you sit down to eat, there two pieces of gold will you meet.

– The place you put your dirty clothes at, is also the place where gold fell flat.

– Go to the place you look for things to eat, there you may find one or two gold treats.

– Where’s the place that you wash your body and hair? Perhaps you will find more gold pieces there.

– Go to the front door of your house right away, to find more gold in this hunt. Hooray!

– This the last place you need to go, it’s the place we head to when picking out a show.

If you would like these clues as a PDF, go HERE.

You can obviously edit the clues however you want, but these worked for us so that my 6, 4 and 3 year olds figured it out. I printed the PDF onto Cardstock and cut them into strips and put them in their correct spots. The kids were ecstatic to find their favorite treats at the end in their little treasure box.

More than anything it was super fun to watch the kids work together to figure out their clues and collect their “gold pieces.” Now, when anyone comes over they always show them their “real-life gold nuggets!!” Makes me smile. 🙂

Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity - Free Coloring Pages and Scavenger Hunt { }

Can’t wait to do this again with the kids!

For more great Kids Activities to enjoy with the kids this summer, be sure to check out:

Homemade Gak! This is the cheapest and best kid entertainment ever!! Recipe on { } Ingredients include elmers glue, borax, water, and food coloring.

Homemade Gak Recipe

Super Fun and Easy DIY Lava Lamps on { } Supplies include vegetable oil, water, alka-seltzer, and food coloring.

DIY Lava Lamps

DIY Dino Fossils - the kids loved doing this! { } All you need is a toy dinosaur, water, and a plastic container.

DIY Dino Fossils

For all Kids Crafts on the blog go HERE.

For all FREE prints go HERE.

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Kristyn Merkley

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  1. This is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! I am seriously dying and can’t wait to do this with my daughter! Pinned 🙂

  2. This honestly the cutest idea ever! I wish I had money so I can go get some gold spray paint! My nieces will scream with delight! I can’t wait to do this with them and with my students…but I will need to change the clue (Awkward for me and for them)!

    1. LOL! Yes, it may be a little awkward – lol!! Just FYI, you can find the gold spray paint even at Wal-Mart for a few bucks. 😉

    1. Thanks, Crystal! The kids loved it and already asking when they can look for the “goldens” again. 😉

  3. Kristyn LOVE the spray painted rocks idea! I have an awesome memory of these as a kid where stage play I went to had them as part of the set and one of the actors gave me one! I thought it was the coolest thing ever! Another option, that doesn’t require tea dying the paper, is to print a colored map template that has the ‘brown’ already in it. E.g.

    Thanks a lot!

  4. Hi there.. I LOVED This idea for our treasure hunt while camping. however, i have tried twice by entering my email address and name, but have not received any template. Do you know if site is still working?
    Thanks so Much,