Short answer why did Harriet Tubman go to Pennsylvania:
Harriet Tubman went to Pennsylvania in pursuit of freedom and to join Philadelphia’s abolitionist community, where she became involved in the Underground Railroad network as a conductor leading slaves northwards.
Analyzing the Journey: How and Why Did Harriet Tubman Go to Pennsylvania?
Harriet Tubman is a legendary figure in American history for her remarkable and daring role as an Underground Railroad conductor. She freed dozens of enslaved individuals from the horrors of slavery during multiple journeys through the southern states.
However, one aspect that may not be so well-known about this incredible woman’s life story is how she came to settle down in Pennsylvania. It was a journey driven by both personal circumstances and regional politics, reflecting the complex dynamics of race relations during 19th century America.
To fully understand Harriet Tubman’s decision to make Pennsylvania her home, it helps to take a closer look at some key factors involved:
1) Health Issues:
Tubman suffered from epilepsy due to brutal beatings she faced when working on plantations which left long term health impacts including seizures and convulsions.
In early 1850s New York surgeon Dr. William Seward referred her to Philadelphia specialist Dr. Thomas Mcclelland who treated many neurological diseases such as Epilepsy – thus He became her lifelong family physician.
2) Status as an escaped slave:
After already attaining freedom herself, Wisconsin Senator Henry Dodge introduced “Fugitive Slave Act” mandating any runaway slaves caught be returned back into bondage – This meant people like Harriet too who’d gotten their freedom could still get captured again.
3) Risking Safety:
Considering Delaware (State South-Eastern than PA), where tubman resided being infamous for its hardcore pro-slavery tenants – Even while Living with anti-slavery Quakers (People widely known for providing food & shelter on underground railroad path.), Life remained under constant threat; Being situated im California didn’t appeal either because odds of getting re-enslaved loomed large there compared To battling cold climatic conditions And rugged terrains enroute In Pennsylvanian tracts.
Pennsylvania emerged as an attractive destination for several reasons: firstly, it lay beyond the reach of the slave-catchers. Secondly, it had a well-established abolitionist community and was known to be generally hostile towards pro-slavery elements.
However, Harriet Tubman still faced significant challenges in making her way to Pennsylvania, including traversing through treacherous terrains beneath unforgiving weather conditions whilst carrying a steep bounty on her head under Fugitive Slave Act.
Despite those struggles–Tubman continued breaking barriers by going on multiple escapes helping thousands follow footsteps in years that followed; This eventually led to giving perhaps best response which summarized why staying put wasn’t an option – “I never ran my train off the track & I never lost a passenger.”.
Final Thoughts:
By making Pennsylvania her permanent home, Harriet Tubman fulfilled several roles — She lived by example inspiring others around elevation,
forged lifelong relationships with influential political figures of the times such as FrederickDouglass’, leader who she greatly admired.
All-in-all Her being first-hand eyewitness to gravest injustices fighting them out day after day churns hope dispelling darkness from mind
Following Her Footsteps: A Step-by-Step Exploration of Why Harriet Tubman Went to Pennsylvania
Harriet Tubman is undeniably one of the most influential figures in American history. She was born into slavery, but as an adult, she defied all odds and became a prominent fighter for abolition and women’s suffrage.
However, what many people may not know about Harriet Tubman is that she also played a significant role in the Underground Railroad—a network of secret routes and safe houses which helped slaves escape to freedom in the 19th century. Harriet reportedly made around 13 trips on the underground railroad herself!
But why did Harriet choose Pennsylvania specifically? What made it such an attractive destination?
Firstly, it’s important to understand some historical context. At the time when Harriet was making her journeys through the Underground Railroad (generally between 1849-1860), there were a few key developments happening in terms of slavery and political movements.
One of these major changes came with the Compromise of 1850—an agreement made by Congress that allowed California to become a free state but strengthened laws against fugitive slaves. This meant that anyone caught helping or supporting escaped slaves could be punished more harshly than before—which obviously increased danger levels for those involved in running or taking part in underground railroad journeys.
However, despite this increased risk factor, Pennsylvania remained an extremely popular destination for escaping slaves like those who accompanied Harriet during her travels up north..
The main reason behind this can likely be attributed to two primary factors: geographical location and cultural attitudes.
Pennsylvania held many advantages over other northern states due to its position on geography – being both accessible from southern slave-holding regions yet far enough away where capture would have been unlikely. Plus there are multiple access points across different Maryland borders ensuring safety only minutes outside enemy territory.
Additionally culturally speaking,Pennsylvania had relatively progressive attitudes towards abolitionism especially Philadelphia—the second-largest city after New York City at this time period—while still maintaining conservative business practices and the influence of wealthy merchants. This made it a prime spot for abolitionist circles to thrive, as well escaping slaves to receive sympathy from Quaker communities.
Ultimately, it’s clear that Harriet Tubman recognized Pennsylvania as an ideal destination because of its combination of favorable geographic features and more progressive cultural attitudes towards abolitionism. It was a logical choice in terms of both safety and potential opportunities to help other enslaved people find freedom—a goal which Harriet dedicated her life toward up until she passed away at age 91 in 1913.
In summary, the reasons why Harriet chose Pennsylvanians were due largely due to its unique mix of geography (easy access while still being out-of-reach enough)and strong abolitionist sentiments .
Clearing Up Confusion: Frequently Asked Questions About Harriet Tubman’s Move to Pennsylvania
Harriet Tubman’s life was characterized by bravery, resilience, and unwavering determination. Best known for her heroic exploits in leading slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad, she stands out as one of America’s foremost abolitionists. However, there is a lot about Harriet Tubman that remains unclear and shrouded in mystery – including her move to Pennsylvania.
In this article, we aim to clear up confusion by answering some frequently asked questions regarding Harriet Tubman’s relocation to Pennsylvania.
1. Why Did Harriet Tubman Move to Pennsylvania?
Many people wonder why Harriet Tubman moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania. While it might seem like an obvious choice given the state’s reputation as being more sympathetic towards free blacks at the time than neighboring slave states such as Delaware or Virginia, the primary reason was actually related to slavery – specifically its ongoing hostility towards runaway slaves who had found refuge elsewhere.
Pennsylvania was considered a safe haven for Black families escaped from enslavement due in part because of constitutional conventions held during 1776-1790 which outlawed slavery within their borders.Abolitionist groups were also present in large numbers throughout this region which made it an ideal location for those escaping bondage.
2. When did Harriet tubman first visit pennsylvania?
Although many details regarding specific dates are uncertain when it comes to Harriet Tubman history but accordingto most historians agree that she went with two brothers (Henry Box Brown and Charles Nalle)in search of work after her escape from slavery journey on Christmas night 1849 however records arent clear enough[citation needed]. More generally speaking though Historical documents suggest that She arrived sometime between 1850-1860 corresponding roughly around these yearsas at various points during that decade prior moving onto Canada where she would marry Nelson Davis; returning back home again within five years until finally residing permanently near Auburn New York later on into adulthood spending much of early adulthood moving between these two areas.
3. How did Harriet Tubman support herself in Pennsylvania?
One question that often arises is how did Harriet Tubman manage to provide for herself and her family after she settled in Pennsylvania? Like many other free Black women of the time, Tubman found work as a domestic servant until finally earning enough money to buy land which placed food on table so from thereon off of her income was through farming.On this propertyTubmanknew every inch like backside of own hand due constantly working it regularly becoming most trusted resource when it came over regional agriculture in Cayuga county.
4. Was Life Easy for Harriet Tubman Once She Moved To Pennsylvania?
At first glance, one might assume that life would have been easier once Harriet moved to Pennsylvania. However, racial tensions were high at the time – particularly given the ongoing debate surrounging issues such as slavery across national level but more relevant state-to-state politics where black’s rightsand well beingwas not always fully protected or upheld.Luckily She had intrepid fortitude