
5 characteristics of a determined person


1. 自分の意見を曲げない

Don't bend your opinion.



Determined people do not bend their opinions and beliefs. They try to assert themselves by sticking to their claims.


2. 変化を受け入れない

Don't embrace change.



Determined people hate change. It is difficult to adapt to new situations because they are not open to innovative ideas and methods.


3. 譲歩しない

Don't make concessions.



Determined people don't like to make compromises or concessions with others. Focus on defending your opinions and interests.


4. 批判に耐えられない

I can't stand criticism.



Determined people find it difficult to accept criticism and opinions from others. They may show disgust at being denied their claims.


5. 過去の経験に執着する

Obsessing over past experiences



Determined people become obsessed with past experiences and past successes. Prioritize new methods and approaches based on past successes.


