
by Liquid Fire

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Chapelwaite 05:34
There is a house, three miles north of Falmouth and nine miles north of Portland It almost looks as if it had been the home of a lunatic There is an odd little summerhouse, as well as a grotesque sundial Now let's enter Chapelwaite As you enter through the gate That's when you have sealed your fate Did you hear that Scratching noises from the wall You can't ignore it down the hall The mystery's to be solved In the darkness that traps my soul The nightmares keep haunting me It's all my cousin's fault The worm, it guards the gate that leads to hell An enchanted village down the road A strange wailing in the walls It's rats, believe me The darkest church you'll ever see The basement's creatures haunting me The mystery's to be solved In the darkness that traps my soul The creatures keep haunting me The Boone's story will be told The church, it holds the gate that leads to hell To hell To heeeeeellllll Now I know I need to go back The worm is waiting to attack I need to end this Below the church there is a gate It's open, I have sealed my fate The mystery's to be solved In the darkness that traps my soul Calvin's face will keep haunting me Standing alone now it feels so cold Now I know The mystery's to be solved In the darkness that traps my soul The past will keep haunting me My flesh will rot there beneath the mould Now I know that I must go to hell To hell


There is a house, three miles north of Falmouth and nine miles north of Portland. It almost looks as if it had been the home of a lunatic. There is an odd little summerhouse, as well as a grotesque sundial.
Now let's enter Chapelwaite!


released October 31, 2024

Written by Thomas Parchem and Nils Kornfeld
Mixed and mastered by Nils Kornfeld
Voiceover Narration by WarmVoice
Ending SFX by Smoozio


all rights reserved



Liquid Fire Berlin, Germany

Liquid Fire - Power Metal from Berlin.
Founded in 2010 the band played many venues in Berlin as well as other cities in germany and continental Europe. Ready for an initial release, the “Liquid Fire” EP was recorded. The band is currently working on the debut album. ... more

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