Debian Stretch's security support ends in mid 2022, and the Foundation's
OS policy already discourages use of existing Stretch machines. That
means that it's time for all project admins to start rebuilding your VMs
with Bullseye (or, if you must, Buster.)
Any webservices running in Kubernetes created in the last year or two
are most likely using Buster images already, so there's no action needed
for those. Older kubernetes jobs should be refreshed to use more modern
images whenever possible.
If you are still using the grid engine for webservices, we strongly
encourage you to migrate your jobs to Kubernetes. For other grid uses,
watch this space for future announcements about grid engine migration;
we don't yet have a solution prepared for that.
Details about the what and why for this process can be found here:
Here is the deprecation timeline:
March 2021: Stretch VM creation disabled in most projects
July 6, 2021: Active support of Stretch ends, Stretch moves into LTS
<- You are Here ->
January 1st, 2022: Stretch VM creation disabled in all projects,
deprecation nagging begins in earnest. Stretch alternatives will be
available for tool migration in Toolforge
May 1, 2022: All active Stretch VMs will be shut down (but not deleted)
by WMCS admins. This includes Toolforge grid exec nodes.
June 30, 2022: LTS support for Debian Stretch ends, all Stretch VMs will
be deleted by WMCS admins
Cloud-announce mailing list -- cloud-announce(a)
List information:…
An upgrade to JupyterHub is going out on 2021-10-26. There will be a new
singleuser container as a result. Currently running containers may need
Thank you,
Michael DiPietro
Cloud Services SRE
Cloud-announce mailing list -- cloud-announce(a)
List information:…
Hi everyone!
Just a reminder that there is one week left to submit your Coolest Tool
Award nominations. It only takes a few minutes to fill the form in!
Please recommend your favorite tools by October 27nd:
andre, for the Coolest Tool Academy 2021
Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate
Thanks Galder :-) - answers are below:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 9:38 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder158(a)> wrote:
> Thanks, Brigit, for this hub, it is great to have it! I have tried and
> can't find any way to look for tools that are not nominated as "Coolest
> Tool Award" besides looking for name. Is there a way for searching by
> categories?
Today you can try searching for various keywords to find tools in the
catalog (i.e. "Wikidata", "image", "editor", "template" ...). We're
interested in adding support for the community to organize tools in
categories/based on use cases in the future. There are some notes from past
Design Research on that in the Data Model documentation. [0]
Please feel welcome to comment on the talk page if you have further
questions or ideas! [1]
> Thanks
> Galder
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Birgit Müller <bmueller(a)>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 14, 2021 4:58 PM
> *To:* wikitech-l <wikitech-l(a)>;
> wikimedia-l(a) <wikimedia-l(a)>;
> Wikimedia Cloud Services general discussion and support <
> cloud(a)>; wikidata(a) <
> wikidata(a)>; wikitech-ambassadors(a) <
> wikitech-ambassadors(a)>
> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Toolhub 1.0 is launched! Discover software tools
> used at Wikimedia
> Hi All,
> We are happy to announce the launch of Toolhub
> <> – a community-authored catalogue that
> aims to make software tools
> <> used in
> the Wikimedia movement discoverable to everyone.
> Community developed tools – including web applications, bots, gadgets,
> user scripts, lua modules, and more – play a significant role in the
> Wikimedia projects. These software applications address a wide range of use
> cases including finding bad faith edits and other content curation, bulk
> editing, collecting statistical information, creating special citations,
> and much more. About ⅓ of all edits are made by bots and tools. In
> addition, semi-automated edits are helped by user scripts, gadgets, and
> other editing assistance tools that run from the user's local computer or
> directly inside the wikis. There are thousands of tools available, but how
> can you find them?
> With Toolhub, you can document and find tools
> <>, promote their use in your wiki
> community, and help improve them by contributing data. You can create and
> share lists of tools relevant to your work - for example, for GLAM tools,
> or for wiki projects such as Women in Red.
> This first release provides a core set of functionalities
> <>, and contains an
> initial data set of about 1500 tools. Most of the initial tools in the
> catalog are imported from the same data files developers have created for Hay's
> Directory <> which has been a major
> inspiration for Toolhub.
> Toolhub serves developers and users of tools alike. It is part of our
> efforts to improve the infrastructure and services for technical
> contributors, captured under one of Technology’s top level objectives in
> the FY 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 annual plans: Tech Community Building
> <…>.
> We hope to continue conversations with developers and users of tools, plan
> to improve Toolhub, and to further expand the functionality.
> A collaborative system and open developer platform
> Toolhub is built as an API driven platform that makes it possible to
> extend and remix the catalogue, and to make collecting and reusing
> information about tools as open and collaborative as we can. Everything
> that can be done interactively with the Toolhub website can also be done
> remotely through the API. We would love to hear from technical
> contributors interested in using the Toolhub API
> <> to build new tools
> that make new ways to add or consume information from Toolhub's catalog.
> Our decision record
> <> and weekly
> progress reports
> <> on Meta
> provide more insights in technical implementation details and decisions
> made throughout the development process. The Toolhub/About page
> <> provides information on
> project origin, research, use cases, data model, and roadmap. This recording
> from a lightning talk at ‘21 Wikimania
> <> gives an overview of the
> main aspects in 10 minutes.
> Thank you <3
> This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support, knowledge,
> ideas and prior work of many. One of the nicest side-effects of a release
> is that it’s a great opportunity to thank folks for their time and
> contributions :-)
> -
> Husky <>, whose Hay's
> Directory <> provided the
> foundation for the data model used by Toolhub and inspired some of its
> features.
> -
> Harej <>, for his invaluable
> contributions in the early stages of the Toolhub project.
> -
> Our 'advisory board' - Giuseppe
> <> (SRE), Risker
> <> (editor, admin), Reedy
> <> (Security), Keegan
> <> (Community
> Relations), and Eran
> <> (volunteer
> developer & RTL expert) for providing their perspectives on key questions
> throughout the development process.
> -
> Giuseppe, Kunal <>, Manuel
> <>, Effie
> <>, Cole
> <> and Emanuele
> <> from SRE and
> Majavah <> for their help on
> finding and resolving deployment issues.
> -
> Dan <> and Jeena
> <> from Release
> Engineering for help with build tooling.
> -
> Guillaume <> and
> the rest of the Search Platform team for supporting our search index needs.
> -
> Manuel for supporting our database needs.
> -
> Niklas <> and the
> whole community for help with localization and
> internationalization.
> -
> Rita <>, Olga
> <>, Alex
> <>, and Matthew
> <> from the Product
> Design <> team for their feedback
> on the Toolhub user interface.
> -
> Scott <> from the
> Security team for our security readiness review.
> -
> Amire <>, Kunal, Eran,
> Reedy, and Dan for contributing code to the project.
> -
> Ricordisamoa <>, Quim
> <>, and the people
> participating in conversations on wikitech-l
> <[email protected]/…>
> for T115650 <> which inspired
> this whole project.
> -
> Finally, a huge thanks to all the folks who gave input and feedback on
> the talk page, in Phabricator, and at sessions - this is really
> appreciated!
> We hope that this new resource will be fun to explore, inspire you with
> new ideas, and ultimately be useful for your work.
> Feedback, bug reports, ideas and questions are more than welcome on the talk
> page of the project <>, or in
> Phabricator <>. Bryan
> (tech lead) & Seve (our new Product Manager) will be there to chat with
> interested folks and help with any questions. We are looking forward to
> evolving this project step-by-step and jointly with everyone!
> Birgit – on behalf of Technical Engagement & our Toolhub project team
> --
> Birgit Müller (she/her)
> Director of Technical Engagement
> Wikimedia Foundation <>
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l(a), guidelines
> at: and
> Public archives at
>[email protected]…
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-leave(a)
Birgit Müller (she/her)
Director of Technical Engagement
Wikimedia Foundation <>
A long time coming! The interface looks amazing and seems very well thought
out. It's nice to have an official, single go-to for all things tools, user
scripts, gadgets, etc. Huge thanks and kudos to everyone involved!
~ MA
On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 3:37 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder158(a)> wrote:
> Thanks, Brigit, for this hub, it is great to have it! I have tried and
> can't find any way to look for tools that are not nominated as "Coolest
> Tool Award" besides looking for name. Is there a way for searching by
> categories?
> Thanks
> Galder
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Birgit Müller <bmueller(a)>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 14, 2021 4:58 PM
> *To:* wikitech-l <wikitech-l(a)>;
> wikimedia-l(a) <wikimedia-l(a)>;
> Wikimedia Cloud Services general discussion and support <
> cloud(a)>; wikidata(a) <
> wikidata(a)>; wikitech-ambassadors(a) <
> wikitech-ambassadors(a)>
> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Toolhub 1.0 is launched! Discover software tools
> used at Wikimedia
> Hi All,
> We are happy to announce the launch of Toolhub
> <> – a community-authored catalogue that
> aims to make software tools
> <> used in
> the Wikimedia movement discoverable to everyone.
> Community developed tools – including web applications, bots, gadgets,
> user scripts, lua modules, and more – play a significant role in the
> Wikimedia projects. These software applications address a wide range of use
> cases including finding bad faith edits and other content curation, bulk
> editing, collecting statistical information, creating special citations,
> and much more. About ⅓ of all edits are made by bots and tools. In
> addition, semi-automated edits are helped by user scripts, gadgets, and
> other editing assistance tools that run from the user's local computer or
> directly inside the wikis. There are thousands of tools available, but how
> can you find them?
> With Toolhub, you can document and find tools
> <>, promote their use in your wiki
> community, and help improve them by contributing data. You can create and
> share lists of tools relevant to your work - for example, for GLAM tools,
> or for wiki projects such as Women in Red.
> This first release provides a core set of functionalities
> <>, and contains an
> initial data set of about 1500 tools. Most of the initial tools in the
> catalog are imported from the same data files developers have created for Hay's
> Directory <> which has been a major
> inspiration for Toolhub.
> Toolhub serves developers and users of tools alike. It is part of our
> efforts to improve the infrastructure and services for technical
> contributors, captured under one of Technology’s top level objectives in
> the FY 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 annual plans: Tech Community Building
> <…>.
> We hope to continue conversations with developers and users of tools, plan
> to improve Toolhub, and to further expand the functionality.
> A collaborative system and open developer platform
> Toolhub is built as an API driven platform that makes it possible to
> extend and remix the catalogue, and to make collecting and reusing
> information about tools as open and collaborative as we can. Everything
> that can be done interactively with the Toolhub website can also be done
> remotely through the API. We would love to hear from technical
> contributors interested in using the Toolhub API
> <> to build new tools
> that make new ways to add or consume information from Toolhub's catalog.
> Our decision record
> <> and weekly
> progress reports
> <> on Meta
> provide more insights in technical implementation details and decisions
> made throughout the development process. The Toolhub/About page
> <> provides information on
> project origin, research, use cases, data model, and roadmap. This recording
> from a lightning talk at ‘21 Wikimania
> <> gives an overview of the
> main aspects in 10 minutes.
> Thank you <3
> This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support, knowledge,
> ideas and prior work of many. One of the nicest side-effects of a release
> is that it’s a great opportunity to thank folks for their time and
> contributions :-)
> -
> Husky <>, whose Hay's
> Directory <> provided the
> foundation for the data model used by Toolhub and inspired some of its
> features.
> -
> Harej <>, for his invaluable
> contributions in the early stages of the Toolhub project.
> -
> Our 'advisory board' - Giuseppe
> <> (SRE), Risker
> <> (editor, admin), Reedy
> <> (Security), Keegan
> <> (Community
> Relations), and Eran
> <> (volunteer
> developer & RTL expert) for providing their perspectives on key questions
> throughout the development process.
> -
> Giuseppe, Kunal <>, Manuel
> <>, Effie
> <>, Cole
> <> and Emanuele
> <> from SRE and
> Majavah <> for their help on
> finding and resolving deployment issues.
> -
> Dan <> and Jeena
> <> from Release
> Engineering for help with build tooling.
> -
> Guillaume <> and
> the rest of the Search Platform team for supporting our search index needs.
> -
> Manuel for supporting our database needs.
> -
> Niklas <> and the
> whole community for help with localization and
> internationalization.
> -
> Rita <>, Olga
> <>, Alex
> <>, and Matthew
> <> from the Product
> Design <> team for their feedback
> on the Toolhub user interface.
> -
> Scott <> from the
> Security team for our security readiness review.
> -
> Amire <>, Kunal, Eran,
> Reedy, and Dan for contributing code to the project.
> -
> Ricordisamoa <>, Quim
> <>, and the people
> participating in conversations on wikitech-l
> <[email protected]/…>
> for T115650 <> which inspired
> this whole project.
> -
> Finally, a huge thanks to all the folks who gave input and feedback on
> the talk page, in Phabricator, and at sessions - this is really
> appreciated!
> We hope that this new resource will be fun to explore, inspire you with
> new ideas, and ultimately be useful for your work.
> Feedback, bug reports, ideas and questions are more than welcome on the talk
> page of the project <>, or in
> Phabricator <>. Bryan
> (tech lead) & Seve (our new Product Manager) will be there to chat with
> interested folks and help with any questions. We are looking forward to
> evolving this project step-by-step and jointly with everyone!
> Birgit – on behalf of Technical Engagement & our Toolhub project team
> --
> Birgit Müller (she/her)
> Director of Technical Engagement
> Wikimedia Foundation <>
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l(a), guidelines
> at: and
> Public archives at
>[email protected]…
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-leave(a)
If you were running a Toolforge web tool in Kubernetes before the toollabs-webservice label changes were deployed on 2021-09-29 ( <>). You may need to run `webservice stop && webservice start` in order to ensure your replica sets have correct label expectations on them going forward. Otherwise you may find confusing states may happen when running webservice restart and similar commands.
When I backfilled the new labels, I missed that you cannot change the label matching rules in a deployment retroactively. I apologize for any inconvenience.
In summary: If you haven’t run a webservice stop since 2021-09-29 on your Kubernetes web service, it would be a good idea to stop and start your webservice now to prevent any confusing behavior from webservice in the future.
Brooke Storm
Staff SRE
Wikimedia Cloud Services
Cloud-announce mailing list -- cloud-announce(a)
List information:…
Dear all,
It’s time for our third edition of the Coolest Tool Award!
Tools play an essential role at Wikimedia, and so do the many volunteer
developers who experiment with new ideas, develop & maintain local &
global solutions and enhance the experience for Wikimedia communities.
We’d like to invite you all to nominate your favorite & most used tools
and help us celebrate the people who create them!
As no one can possibly know all the cool tools out there, we’re looking
for some help and inspiration: please point us to the tools that you
think are great - for any reason you can think of!
Please go to
to recommend tools by October 27, 2021. You can nominate as many tools
as you want by filling out the form multiple times.
Thank you very much for your ideas & recommendation(s)!
The award is organized & selected by the Coolest Tool Academy 2021. We
plan to recognize the greatest tools in a variety of categories (for
examples, see last year’s categories). The award ceremony will take
place virtually again this year and we will provide more details soon
about the specific logistics and dates.
We will continue to spread the word over the next week, but if you get
the chance, please feel welcome to share this information with others
Thanks :-)
Andre, for the Coolest Tool Academy 2021
Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate