Hey there, pretty little thing.
I love these burlap door hangers. I saw three in my neighborhood on a walk the other day and it inspired me to try my hand at making my own.
So when my friends Erin and Chris moved into their new home, I decided that they would be my guinea pigs!
So tag along for my little trial run…
: : Materials : :
- burlap
- hot glue/gun
- paint
- stuffing*
- wire {for hanger}
- ribbon {optional}
*Pillow stuffing, plastic grocery bags, and tissue paper are all great ideas for the stuffing material. Just think about what the door hanger might be exposed to when you decide what to use.
I started by drawing my design on a large piece of butcher paper.
Then cut it out.
Then traced it onto my burlap.
{I taped it down to keep it in place}
I folded two layers of burlap so that I could make one cut and get both the top and bottom pieces at the same time. Make sure you pin the two layers together before you cut them.
I cut out my design with an inch wide border.
Next, unpin the two layers and paint your design onto the top layer.
I decided to go with a chevron pattern for mine.
Use your hot glue gun around the edges of the design.
As you’re gluing the borders together, start stuffing it a little bit at a time.
Once I was done glueing and stuffing, I used a floral wire to create a hook in the back of my design.
I also added this brown ribbon for a little something extra.
I had to snap a few pictures of my own before giving Chris and Erin their house warming gift.
And I really love how this turned out! I’m definitely going to have to make one for myself!!
There are so many great designs out there with this type of door hanger.
Here’s just a few: