My back is aching and in my 30 revolutions around the sun I have yet to accept that when I spend entire days working under its rays I will, inevitably, get an exhausting burn. My left wrist holds the memory of my less freckly winter skin. Trowels, shovels, dense clayey soils, cold beers, pillbugs, ants…
Birds Will Be Birds
Every Spring in a small Nebraska town, the neon no-vacancy lights of motels and hotels glow. The B&Bs burst at their brims. The state park is chock-full of RV c
Objects of Effection
I recently stumbled into the home of a woman who, with no family in the area, left her possessions to the will of strangers.
Fifty Years Since Custer Died For Your Sins
There are a few books that, after devouring their words and digesting their contents, have changed the course of my life. In the fiftieth year since it was published, Standing Rock Sioux author Vine Deloria Jr.'s Custer Died For Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto, remains at the top of my life-altering book list. I was…
Overcoming the Fear of Death: How Conversation, Popcorn, and Curious Children Can Help
There have been moments in my life when my freezer has been stuffed to the brim with songbirds, bobcats, opossums, armadillos, frogs, and racoons. Once, on a first date, I changed the evening plans to include grabbing a dead coyote I’d spotted on the side of the road. It was in perfect condition and too…
Go Your Own Way
What 90's kid didn’t grow up loving Choose Your Own Adventure books? They were hot-ticket items at my elementary school library and whenever I got my hands on one, I remember doggedly reading until I’d traced every possible path of the story. Cave of Time was obviously a favorite, as well as one I can’t…
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Custodian 785-843-3833 [email protected]…
Custodian 785-843-3833 [email protected]…
Why I Work at the Library
I knew little to nothing about libraries except, obviously: books. But, the truth is, the library had changed over time.
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