1 Million Cups
A weekly event for local entrepreneurs to meet and present their businesses to the Lawrence community.
A weekly event for local entrepreneurs to meet and present their businesses to the Lawrence community.
Accessible anywhere! This website provides full access to the 1950 census images, including population schedules, enumeration district maps, and enumeration district descriptions.
Call 211 or search for assistance by location. Mentoring, after-school programs, senior care, counseling, food pantries, disability services and much more. A service of United Way.
Scholarly multi-disciplinary research database.
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this website provides data resources, publications, research findings and reports, and other resources in an effort to improve safety and quality in healthcare. Información en español.
Bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library, encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines.
Accessible anywhere. Managed by the Thomas R. Smith Map Collection at the University of Kansas, this collection includes aerial photographs of Douglas County and the KU Campus from 1937-1991.
This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
American Indian and Alaska Native Health is a central source for information about the health and well-being of Native Americans and Alaska Natives. It is freely available, and offers access to evaluated and authoritative resources for individuals, health educators, and healthcare professionals.
This database of genealogical resources includes the complete U.S. Census, a multitude of city directories, Find-A-Grave records, military records such as draft registration cards and muster rolls, immigration records such as passenger lists and naturalization records, the Social Security Death Index, and birth, marriage, and death records (coverage varies by state). You must be in the library to access this resource.
Through the Kansas State Historical Society, Kansas residents can access a variety of Kansas records available on Ancestry.com for free by verifying their Kansas driver's license or state ID here.
Comprehensive resource for art information, including an index of almost 200,000 art reproductions.
Access to repair, maintenance, and service information.
Use Ballotpedia's Sample Ballot Lookup tool to research candidates, including information about the donors funding their campaigns.
Find out where candidates stand on the issues and who has endorsed them. Create a personalized voting guide to take with you to the polls!
Designed to help citizens find out what government benefits they may be eligible to receive, with access to information from across 17 Federal agencies. Links to benefit programs for all types of people: elderly, veterans, low-income citizens, students, farmers, parents, disaster victims and many more.
Emergency and outpatient mental health services for all ages.
Searchable database of scholarship opportunities.
Bloom’s Literature offers a wealth of relevant content on the authors and works most studied in the high school curriculum, multicultural classics, contemporary literature, and more. Content includes literary criticism, author information, and writing help.
Trusted encyclopedia with information written for college-level learners, researchers, and faculty.
Busca biografías e información sobre lugares y cosas. Encuentra respuestas rápidas y ayuda con la tarea.
Trusted online encyclopedia with three age-appropriate levels.
Britannica Moderna es el portal confiable y actualizado que le brinda una gran variedad de contenidos para desarrollar sus trabajos académicos. Aquí encontrará miles de artículos, imágenes, mapas y otros materiales de consulta para sus investigaciones. Todo en un sitio web ¡fácil de usar!
Trusted online encyclopedia with information written for elementary, middle, and high school students.
This series of National Park Service-quality panels are the first of their kind on the Lawrence Loop trail and serve as an outdoor museum. They feature original historic narratives written and researched by academics and local historians. Vintage photographs, maps and other images from local, state and national archives enhance the exhibits. Installed along the paved 1.7-mile Burroughs Creek Trail and Linear Park path running from 11th Street to 23rd Street, the panels provide insight to Lawrence’s unique history and cultural identity.
Publications covering a wide variety of business topics, including marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics. Includes access to the Harvard Business Review. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Resources, tips and information about caregiving for patients with cancer from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this resource provides tools for exploring career options, finding training, and searching for a job.
From the Center for Practical Bioethics, this free workbook for talking about end of life concerns, plus links to healthcare directives.
Catholic Charities of Lawrence offers help with resume building, interview preparation, career exploration, and coaching for employment retention, as well as limited direct support funding for things like purchasing work uniforms or bus passes to help you on your career journey. The Lawrence Catholic Charities office is located at 1525 West 6th Street Lawrence, KS 66044; the phone number is 785.856.2694.
Catholic Charities' St. Rita Program offers support for those looking to go back to school for certification in the areas of IT, skilled trades, healthcare or life sciences by providing person-centered case management, financial coaching, goal setting, career development resources, and direct financial assistance. This program is appropriate for those who have a level of stabilization (i.e., stable housing) and are hoping to increase current income to sustainable wages. The Lawrence Catholic Charities office is located at 1525 West 6th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044; the phone number is 785.856.2694.
Selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau to help you start or grow a business or understand the business landscape for a region, presented in a simple to use format. Freely available online.
The Chronicling America project offers a searchable U.S. Newspaper Directory which can be narrowed by geographic coverage, date, language, ethnicity, and labor press (i.e., published for readers of a particular occupation or political philosophy, such as coal miners, dairy farmers, and/or socialists). Chronicling America also offers free access to a handful of digitized Kansas newspapers (such as the Kansas Herald of Freedom).
A hub for information about new and services of the city government of Lawrence, Kansas.
Search and apply for jobs with the City of Lawrence.
A National Institutes of Health database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
In addition to community garden plots, the City of Lawrence's urban agriculture program also offers an Incubator Farm for beginning market growers.
Looking for guidance in the search for books, movies and other media for your family? Get expert information from this extensive site!
Advance Healthcare Directive Forms by state as well as other resources to enable and protect end-of-life choices.
Provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology, and also includes content from leading technology-related consumer magazines. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
A resource for information about current and past activities of the U.S. Congress.
We know that seeking professional support for your mental health can be overwhelming. To make the process clearer, library staff gathered together resources for finding a therapist, information about payment and insurance, and interviews with local therapists. Let us help you connect the dots so that you're able to live, learn, grow, and connect as you would like.
A resource that allows you to read, search, and compare constitutions from around the world.
This federal agency provides a wide variety of resources to help consumers make informed financial decisions, including guides to choosing and managing credit cards, buying a car or house, managing student loans, and preparing for retirement. You can also submit complaints about financial products or services here.
Browseable medical database including drug information, topic fact sheets, medical dictionaries, and eBooks. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Consumer Reports is an expert, independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to work for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves.
MAP (Manufacturing, Assembly and Production) is a workforce program offered through Cottonwood Inc that offers employment services for individuals with any kind of medical or mental health disabilities. Case Management & Job Skills Training are included with employment service. Accommodations that are needed to maintain employment will be provided. Call 785-842-0550 to speak with Alyson Wingert, Program Manager for the MAP Program.
Searchable collection containing real transcripts of counseling and therapy sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material.
Provides a deep look into the client-therapist office, allowing readers to follow the progress and setbacks of clients over the course of multiple therapy sessions with diverse set of clients, a wide range of presenting issues, and multiple therapeutic approaches; content was recorded in 2012 or later, features contemporary issues and up-to-date therapeutic approaches.
Curated, discipline-focused, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming media for learning and research.
Community incubator kitchen offering commercial-grade equipment.
The National Library of Medicine(NLM)’s DailyMed searchable database provides the most recent labeling submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by companies and currently in use.
This powerful tool is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs and business researchers, offering industry research and consumer and demographic data, as well as white pages and job listings. Formerly known as Reference USA. Available in the library or remotely with your Lawrence Public Library card and PIN.
Accessible at home or at the library. The local history portal for Douglas County history, featuring a growing collection of photographs, genealogy resources, and oral history projects. A partnership of the Lawrence Public Library, Watkins Community Museum, and the Douglas County Genealogical Society.
Computers are an essential tool for all types of tasks. Learn how to use them via easy to digest online courses.
Las computadoras son un herramiento esencial para hacer todo tipo de tareas. Aprende como usarlas en una manera sencilla.
Part of the Douglas County District Attorney's Office, this unit investigates violations of the Kansas Consumer Protection Act.
Location, hours, and services provided at the Douglas County, Kansas, DMV office.
Relevant FEMA documents that pertain to floodplain and development within Douglas County.
A roundup of maps of Douglas County, Kansas, including property maps, survey lookup, cemetery information, floodplains, taxing districts, and voting precinct information. Created by the Douglas County GIS Department.
Open positions with Douglas County, Kansas, government.
Find information about vehicle titles, tag renewals, and inspections in Douglas County, Kansas.
A hub for information about news and services of the county government of Douglas County, Kansas.
Find public charging stations for electric vehicles.
Search and apply for job openings with USD 497.
Best practices for entrepreneurial leadership, from the Kauffman Foundation.
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and research. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966.
A one-stop resource for researching everything from health issues to the latest solar power technology.
A research website for designed for kids, available through the State Library of Kansas.
A research website for designed for teens, available through the State Library of Kansas.
A “nonpartisan, non-profit ‘consumer advocate’ for voters…[that monitors] the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players.” (FactCheck.org is funded by the Annenburg Foundation, the Flora Family Foundation, and by public donation.)
Fair Opportunity Project is an education nonprofit of top college advisors & admissions officers, offering a free college application and financial aid guide, essay advice, scholarship coaching, and one-on-one connection to financial aid mentors who can help you file the FAFSA.
Information, services, and support for family caregivers of adults with physical and cognitive impairments, such as Parkinson’s, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Includes fact sheets on specific health conditions, statistics, public policy information, and reports. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
The Family Financial Transformations is offered through Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas' Family Support Centers. The program is a one year commitment. Participants will partake in 3 online financial classes, in addition to meeting with a Financial Empowerment Specialist twice a month. Upon completion of the 3 online classes, participants will receive a $200.00 stipend. Participants will outline financial goals, complete a monthly budget, and will work to decrease debt, increase savings, and improve their overall credit scores. Upon completion of the one year commitment to the program, individuals will receive another $200.00 stipend. Call 785-856-2694 to enroll or hear more about this program.
A comprehensive reader’s advisory resources, containing bibliographies for over 30,000 authors and information on over 350,000 books.
Free online access to official publications from all three branches of the federal government.
A resource for researching campaign finance data.
Learn about and apply for financial aid options available from the federal government.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) works to stop deceptive and unfair business practices and scams, and to help consumers recognize and recover from them. The FTC has a dedicated webpage for consumers offering advice on buying a new or used car, and on understanding warranties, maintenance, and repossession.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center helps you explore industries and careers, find a school or financial aid, and build your job search and career skills.
Contact your local, state, or national elected officials.
Tools, calculators, guides and news to help you be an informed investor.
From non-profit agency, Aging With Dignity, this resource provides simple, straight-forward approach to designate end-of-life choices. Información en español.
Accessible at home or at the library. Fold3 Library Edition provides convenient access to U.S. military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.
This U.S. government site provides information on drug safety and availability, clinical trials, specific medications, and health updates.
Trademark program to support Kansas producers and manufacturers.
Fuente Académica es una colección de revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España. Todas las áreas temáticas principales están cubiertas con énfasis particular en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología.
Accessible at home or at the library. Gale Genealogy Connect offers access to a wide range of fully searchable genealogical reference publications.
A collection of eBooks on a variety of health-related topics. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
A collection of reference eBooks focused on consumer health and medicine. Requires a Kansas State Library eCard for access.
Search thousands of easy-to-read, up-to-date grantmaker profiles to identify funding sources for your organization or project. You must be in the library or connected to the library's Wifi to use this resource.
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Multidisciplinary by nature, GreenFILE draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
A farm apprenticeship program and an annual workshop series provides educational and networking opportunities for beginning and experienced growers.
Somos Lawrence es una organización 100% formada y dirigida por voluntarios de la comunidad. Somos Lawrence ha completado una guía de recursos dirigida específicamente a hispanohablantes recién llegados. Está disponible como PDF en el sitio web del Ballard Center. Haga click aquí para acceder a la guía de recursos en la página de Somos Lawrence: https://www.ballardcenter.org/somos-lawrence/
A collection of millions of titles, many freely available in full-text, digitized from libraries around the world.
From the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, a consumer health resource with news, articles, personal health recommendations, and more.
An essential resource for your health curriculum, guidance department, and general student use, Health Reference Center includes comprehensive, in-depth coverage of body systems, current health issues, major diseases and conditions, treatments, and procedures, as well as health and nutrition information specific to men, women, children, teens, and seniors.
Provides full-text access to consumer health magazines, reference books and health pamphlets. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
This full-text database offers a trusted source of nursing and allied health literature, as well as drug information written for consumers. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Comprehensive site from the American Academy of Pediatrics for parents of infants to young adults, covering physical/mental development, health, safety and more. Información en español.
Provides health care on a sliding fee scale for residents of Douglas County and certain portions of Jefferson, Franklin, Leavenworth, Shawnee, and Osage counties. Includes primary care, dental care, pediatrics, and mental and behavioral health.
Program of the United States Department of Agriculture Regional Food Business Centers providing technical assistance, resource coordination, and capacity building services to those in the community starting or growing a farm- or food-related business.
Accessible at home or at the library. HeritageQuest offers access to federal census records and city directories, U.S. Indian Census Rolls, slave schedules and Freedman’s Bank records, mortality schedules, agricultural and industrial schedules, and a variety of published family and local histories.
A comprehensive history reference database containing biographies of historical figures and historical documents, photos, maps, and video. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Renew vehicle registrations, renew driver's licenses, obtain vital records, and more with this resource from the State of Kansas.
Search job postings from across the country.
A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Free research from social sector organizations around the world on a variety of subjects.
To help students, researchers, and readers understand the critical issues we face today, Issues & Controversies explores and analyzes hundreds of hot topics in politics, business, government, crime, law, energy, education, health, family, science, foreign policy, race, rights, society, and culture. Updated weekly, with a wire-service newsfeed providing the latest headline stories, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles designed to inspire thought-provoking debates and research papers.
Tools for researching occupations and searching and applying for jobs.
Searchable job postings from Lawrence.com.
Use this tool for locating specific electronic journals and magazines contained within the databases that the State Library of Kansas subscribes to.
Free or low cost assistance for finding a lawyer or obtaining legal advice.
A one-stop shop for information on starting and maintaining a business in Kansas.
Research campaign finance data for candidates in Kansas elections.
The DCF offers a number of services to support employment, including assistance with job training, work clothing, and work-related transportation. The Lawrence DCF office is located at 1901 Delaware Street; the phone number is (785) 832-3700/TDD: 1-800-766-3777.
Accessible anywhere. The Kansas Digital Newspapers program, managed by the Kansas State Historical Society, makes over 3 million Kansas newspapers freely available online.
Information about Kansas driver's licenses, vehicle titles and registration, and other topics related to driving in Kansas.
A virtual legal advice clinic hosted by the American Bar Association. Kansans who meet eligibility guidelines can submit up to three questions per year. Those
questions are answered by volunteer attorneys on a range of legal topics, including family law, divorce, child custody, housing, evictions, consumer rights, employment, unemployment, and civil rights.
An online library of born-digital and digitally rendered material published by Kansas government agencies.
Accessible at home or at the library. This database provides a core of primary source documents for the study of Kansas history, including state and regional histories, travel guides, biographies, speeches and more.
Free basic legal forms for a variety of situations, including filing for divorce or changing your name.
Free and low cost legal assistance and resources, including legal forms, for Kansans.
Basic information and printable templates for advanced directives, living wills, and durable power of attorney forms from Kansas Legal Services.
Kansas Legal Services has a section on its website dedicated to landlord tenant issues. This document contains a list of forms that a tenant may use to communicate with their landlord. These forms were created by attorneys at Kansas Legal Services.
Search materials held at libraries across Kansas. If you are interested in borrowing an item found in this catalog, please contact Lawrence Public Library for Interlibrary loan.
The Kansas Loan Pool Project (KLPP) is designed to help eliminate high-interest title or payday loans by issuing participants a new, low-interest loan. Each participant is enrolled in a financial education series to help develop a long-term financial plan and budget. They are also assigned a Catholic Charities case manager specialist to provide ongoing monthly support. For more information or to enroll, please contact: 785.856.2694 or email [email protected]
Accessible anywhere. This database offers a broad, statewide selection of digitized Kansas maps, photographs, and other primary documents from the collections of the Kansas State Historical Society.
Use the Kansas Periodical Index online to locate articles from periodicals about Kansas and Kansas history published between 2002 and 2018.
Kansas ScholarShop connects Kansas students with educational scholarships through the Sallie Mae Scholarship Search engine. Scholarship Search is a database of over 5 million nationally offered scholarships sponsored by a wide variety of private groups, organizations, and non-profits.
This ScholarShop initiative is a partnership between the Office of the Kansas State Treasurer and Sallie Mae, a nationwide consumer banking company specializing in student loans.
This is a grouping of all of the online databases offered to Kansas residents through the Kansas State Library. A Kansas State Library eCard is required to access these databases.
Searchable database of statutes passed by the Kansas Legislature.
Learn about and apply for unemployment benefits for Kansas residents.
Assistance to entrepreneurs in product and process development for food products.
The official website of the government of the State of Kansas.
Search Kansas job postings. Also includes a searchable database of training and education providers.
An online curriculum dedicated to entrepreneurship.
We’re a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
The main page for LPL Kids + Babies.
Reliable and straightforward health, behavior and development information about children and teens, designed for parents, kids, teens, and educators. Información en español.
Websites are extensively reviewed before they are included on kidsites. Presentation, content, and subject matter are all considered when reviewing the sites.
Register to vote, update your registration, or check your voter registration.
You don't have to be a KU student or staff member to use the KU Libraries! Use this guide to find out about the resources that are available to Kansas residents, as well as information about how to get to campus and find the library you need.
Unlimited free access to the Lawrence Journal-World online is available at the Lawrence Public Library.
Scanned images of Lawrence Journal-World printed newspapers, 1911 to 2009. Some issues not available.
Freely accessible listing of jobs and opportunities in the Lawrence, Kansas, area provided by The Lawrence Times.
The Lawrence Workforce Center connects career seekers with employers. Whether you’re looking for your first job or looking to change careers, the Lawrence Workforce Center can help you on your career journey.
Lawrence Public Library staff gather and update information about community resources and services available in Lawrence, Kansas, and across Douglas County. Need help paying your bills, finding healthcare or transportation, or getting assistance with food, clothing, or shelter? Check our guide! It's available as both a printable PDF and a mobile-friendly database.
Medical testing, exams, and immunizations provided with fees based on a sliding scale.
Accessible anywhere. This website makes available online a rich collection of oral history interviews with African Americans in Lawrence and Douglas County, Kansas.
A resource for information about the transit services provided by the City of Lawrence and the University of Kansas.
Practice tests and exercises for everything from the GED to TOEFL to the U.S. Citizenship Test. Plus, help identifying career paths and preparing for a job search.
A collection of scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies.
Enjoy our Staff Picks for every genre and age!
Attend free virtual author talks, both live and on demand. No library card needed!
Explore a diverse collection of engaging presentations, from bestselling authors and thought leaders. Perfect for book lovers, book clubs, aspiring writers, or anyone looking to expand their horizons. It's easy to connect with the literary world anytime, anywhere.
Online tutorials on a wide array of professional and technology skills, from crafting a business plan to designing a website. Available in the library or remotely with your Lawrence Public Library card number and PIN.
Browse and search full-text literary works alongside journal articles, author biographies, and reviews.
Formerly Lawrence Memorial Hospital. A 174-bed hospital located in Lawrence, Kansas, as well as a number of primary and specialty care clinics throughout Lawrence, Douglas County, Jefferson County and Leavenworth County.
Located on the lower level of the Lawrence Public Library, the Helen Osma Local History Room houses materials relating to the history of Lawrence and Douglas County, as well as resources for genealogical research.
A list of the largest employers in Lawrence and Douglas County.
Un sistema de aprendizaje de idiomas en línea que incluye inglés, español, francés, japonés, chino mandarín, griego, italiano, ruso y más. Úselo en su computadora en casa o como una aplicación en su celular.
An online language-learning system that includes Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian, Russian and more. Use on your desktop, or as an app on the go.
Delivers articles, reference books, and an extensive image collection for every subject area. Also includes access to Consumer Reports articles.
Información sobre la medicina, la enfermería, la odontología, la medicina veterinario, la sistema de cuidado la salud, y más. Creado por la National Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Nacional de la Medicina).
Information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and more. Created by the National Library of Medicine. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
The National Library of Medicine’s user-friendly health database created for consumers. It includes information about health topics, medicine, and supplements, as well as a collection of videos and health tools.
Una base de datos sobre la salud hecho por la National Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Nacional de la Medicina) por el uso de los consumidores. Incluye información sobre tópicos de salud, la medicina y suplementos, y también una colección de videos y herramientos de salud.
The Douglas County law library is open to the public, and contains most resources needed for researching the law of the United States, Kansas or other states.
Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military, this database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of those sites. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Work for Success is a personal professional development program that serves unemployed and/or underemployed adults as well as youth ages 18-24 who have been justice involved or have been in foster care. Services include, but are not limited to, work readiness, case management, parenting skills, financial education, and family violence prevention. The program is an intensive four-week training which teaches skills to build healthy relationships, strengthen families, and obtain employment. The program provides ongoing support with job leads, barrier resolution, child support issues, community resources, and financial management. Visit https://www.mirrorinc.org/work-for-success for more information, or call (785)-261-3175.
Accessible anywhere. Prepared for the National Park Service, this document provides historic context for the periods of development in Lawrence’s built environment.
myStrength offers highly interactive, individually-tailored applications to address depression, anxiety, stress, substance use, chronic pain and sleep challenges, while also supporting the physical and spiritual aspects of whole-person health. Available free to Douglas County residents. To sign up for myStrength, visit https://mystrength.com and use access code: DouglasCounty
Explore the world through amazing videos, games and articles created by the amazing Nat Geo team!
Contains an A-Z index of NIH health resources, clinical trials, current medical news, and more. Información en español. Also, an easy guide to using NIH for research can be found here.
Statewide network of non-profit business-building resources that help entrepreneurs and small business owners startup and grow successful businesses. NetWork Kansas provides a variety of capital loan programs, a referral center to help you access business-building resources, and more!
Access to the New York Times website without article limits.
Access full articles from over 850 newspapers. This database also includes transcripts of television and radio news.
Explore 15,837+ current and historical newspaper titles and counting! This resource offers full-text, keyword searchable access to historical newspapers from across the country and around the world.
Check safety ratings and recalls for specific makes and models of automobiles on this lookup tool from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Find a selection of quality websites for kids recommended by the American Library Association.
A handy way to find something new to read.
Articles and abstracts from nursing publications and other medical journals, for professionals and consumers.
Nursing and Mental Health in Video features over 240 videos of the most common mental health disorders nurses may encounter – whether in a primary care setting, emergency room, medical, psychiatric or other.
Nursing Education in Video: Second Edition is an up-to-date collection of 350+ full-length training videos designed to help nursing students improve their clinical skills.
A directory of repositories of freely accessible academic research.
A project of the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan and nonprofit research group that “tracks money in U.S. politics and its effects on elections and public policy.”
Latest eBooks and eAudiobooks, including Kindle titles.
A guide to evaluating student financial aid offers and repaying student debt from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Technical training school with programs in a variety of vocations, as well as workplace and academic skills.
THE CRUNCH is Peaslee Tech's business igniter and prototyping center dedicated to supporting the success of local businesses and entrepreneurs engaged in manufacturing by providing physical space, equipment and subject matter expertise.
For more information, please complete this form.
A fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics. (PolitiFact is run by editors and reporters from the Tampa Bay Times, an independent newspaper in Florida.)
This database provides full-text coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
A free full-text archive of peer-reviewed biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the US National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
Read It! was created for English language learners and those who are building their reading skills. It is a place to find reading material about many subjects. Articles are short, and written to support your reading skills as you learn about topics in English that you need for school and everyday life.
A freely accessible database of documents and dockets from PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records).
Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en español.
A guide to regional transportation options in Douglas County, Kansas.
A comprehensive database covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
Contact information for a variety of services provided by the City of Lawrence.
Search Network Kansas's directory of local business and entrepreneur resources.
This cross-media platform allows users to search and browse over 10,000 items, video, book and reference titles within the Social Sciences, including CQ Press resources focusing on American government, politics and current affairs. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
This database is a vital resource for anyone researching the history of a home or building. Accessible at home or at the library.
Search more than 8,000 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities.
Maintained by the City of Lawrence, this resource allows researchers to locate burial plots within the City’s cemeteries. Accessible anywhere.
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides free counseling to start-up companies, existing small businesses, and those who wish to sell or purchase a small business on topics including the startup process, business planning, financing and funding, marketing, accounting, human resources and taxes.
Business basics, start-up kits, industry information, and access to ebooks on a variety of business and career topics. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Accessible anywhere. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Other information on the site includes histories of Union and Confederate regiments, links to descriptions of significant battles, and selected lists of prisoner-of-war records and cemetery records.
Accessible anywhere. The Kansas State Historical Society maintains a database of the historic properties listed on the State and National Registers.
Access to even more eBook and audiobook resources through the State Library
Offering health information for parents, kids and health educators with tips, toolkits, recipes, activities to promote healthy living for kids.
Books, magazines and other materials available to qualified patrons through the Talking Books Program.
A roundup of resources for state and federal tax return preparation.
The main page for the Lawrence Public Library Teen Zone.
U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal.
Information and learning opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Nonfiction kids’ books read aloud! You can choose from 18 different languages. Made available by the State Library of Kansas.
Video-based courses for developing professional skills, such as accounting basics, managing rental properties, or crafting an effective presentation. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address; Kansas Library eCard required for initial sign-up.
Search and apply for employment with the federal government.
The Arts Train (TAT) is Van Go’s year-round, transitional employment program for young adults, ages 18-24. TAT serves young people who have barriers to employment and educational attainment. The Arts Train provides employability skills training, comprehensive wraparound services and nine months of paid, on-site job training followed by a paid, community-based internship to help young adults successfully transition to independence. Van Go is located at 715 New Jersey Street; the phone number is 785-842-3797.
This collection provides full text coverage for nearly 340 trade and industry related periodicals including American Machinist, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Reeves Journal, Hotel and Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, plus indexing and abstracts for hundreds more. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Check your Douglas County, Kansas, voter registration status.
The Douglas County Clerk's Office is responsible for overseeing all national, state and local elections conducted in Douglas County. Go here for information about getting registered to vote, finding your polling place, or becoming an election worker.
Access to the Washington Post website without article limits.
A project to “truth squad” the statements of political figures by longtime Washington Post columnist Glenn Kessler.
Check your voter registration status and view a sample ballot.
The University of Kansas law library is open to the public, and offers access to a variety of legal resources, including databases, and research assistance.
Search job openings at the University of Kansas.
Fast, reliable information on a world of subjects, from economics to sports to pop culture.
World News Digest promotes understanding of a topic by combining the latest news with key context and background. Original articles from 1940 to today include overviews of historic events, country profiles, historical documents, biographies, research features, special reports, editorials, and editorial cartoons. World News Digest also provides easy access to extensive historical video footage from the 1940s through the 2010s.
Search for books, movies, genealogy resources, and other materials in libraries worldwide. If you are interested in borrowing an item that Lawrence Public Library does not have and need assistance placing an interlibrary loan request, please contact us.
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