Gem Values
Normal – 62B
Gold – 75B
Rainbow – 160B
Shiny – 2.5x base value
Demand – High
The Huge Goblin is in the Huge Machine Egg 2 with a 50% hatch rate. This is the most common one! You can also trade other players for this pet in the trading plaza or join my discord to ask someone if they have one. Click the join now button at the bottom of the screen to join.
If your pet has the shiny status, use the values listed at the top of this page and multiply it by 2.5x. Why do we use this logic? Well the pet is 2.5x stronger then the base pet, whether that be normal, gold, rainbow, or dark matter. So for example if the pet is gold and worth 10m gems, do 10m x 2.5 = 25m gems. So the shiny value would be worth 25m gems.