Lucknow Run

The Run event is organized by “The Centrum” group every year for the people of Lucknow who want to discover, learn about, share, and ultimately participate in a Half marathon.


I'm Sarvesh Goel

I am pleased to present to you the Lucknow Run half marathon, 2019, the event of pride, and an event to do our bit promoting fitness and health awareness. We plan to make this day special and aware of the citizens of Lucknow by pinpointing the importance of sports in our life.

We expect the people of Lucknow to stand with us, as we take a step towards a better and fit India. Hope to see you guys there!

Founder's Profile
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Our Location

Find Us


Pocket 7, Sector C, Sushant Golf City, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226030
+91 998 444 4026 [email protected]