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Titles of Our Lady as HOPE

Titles of Our Lady as HOPE

A refuge and a help for sinners.

A refuge and refreshment in our labours and weariness.

A safe refuge.

A sign of sure hope and solace for the pilgrim people of God.

After God, our hope and consolation in this place of exile.

A sweet hope.

Aid of the lost.

All hope of life and of virtue.

All my hope.

Asylum of all who are oppressed by temptation, calamity or persecution.

Asylum of sinners.

Beacon of hope..

Bright star of our hope.

Certain salvation of Christians.

Certain salvation of thy faithful servants.

City of refuge.

Guide of hope.

Harbour of refuge.

Haven of the tempest-tossed.

Help to the helpless.

Hope and light of all who trust in thee.

Hope and pardon of the culpable.

Hope and support of the unhappy.

Hope of all Carmelites.

Hope of all in temptation.

Hope of all who follow Jesus will.

Hope of Christians.

Hope of life.

Hope of my soul.

Hope of sinners.

Hope of the despairing and the guilty.

Hope of the desperate.

Hope of the Church in the dangers which beset her from within or without.

Hope of the godly.

Hope of the hopeless and sinful.

Hope of the miserable.

Hope of the most abandoned.

Hope of the pilgrim.

Hope of the world.

Hope’s steadfast star.

In me is all hope of life and virtue.

Mother Mary is the hope of mankind.

My greatest hope.

My solace here below.

My sole hope in my tribulations.

Only refuge of those who have offended God.

Our anchorage of trust upon life’s sea.

Our deliverer.

Our greatest, surest hope.

Our haven.

Our hope in death.

Our hope in sorrows and afflictions.

Our life, our sweetness and our hope.

Our one most sacred and most certain hope before God.

Our only hope, most sure and sacred in God’s sight.

Our refuge.

Port of safety.

Port of the shipwrecked.

Privileged asylum.

Public infirmary, in which all who are sick, poor and destitute can be received.

Rainbow and hope to the Poor Souls.

Refuge and advocate of poor sinners.

Refuge and consolation of all who turn to thee.

Refuge and hospital of sinners.

Refuge and sanctuary of sinners.

Refuge in grief.

Refuge in time of danger.

Refuge of all who comfort seek.

Refuge of sinners.

Refuge of the afflicted.

Refuge of the children of Adam.

Refuge of the human race.

Refuge of the sick poor.

Refuge of the unfortunate.

Refuge, protection and defense of all men.

Refuge without fear.

Safe harbor for travelers.

Safe refuge of the penitent sinner.

Safety of nations..

Safety of the world.

Salvation of all who call on her.

Salvation of the world.

Secure anchor of our hope.

Secure haven of those who are in danger.

Secure haven of those who are sailing in the sea of this life.

Secure refuge of sinners.

Sole hope of the poor.

Sole refuge in grief..

Sole sanctuary, where sinners find refuge. .

Source of sweet hope.

Succor of those who are abandoned.

Sure hope of all who seek her help in dangers of body and soul.

Sure hope of salvation and eternal life.

The cause of my hope.

The help of that which is lost.

The hope not only of the just but also of the guilty..

The hope of malefactors.

The hope of my salvation..

The hope of the unhappy.

The only fitting refuge for Christ and His least.

The only hope of those who are in despair.

The refuge of abandoned creatures.

The portal of a city of refuge..

The relief of sinners.

The safest refuge and most faithful helper of all who are in danger.

The safety of all.

The singular refuge of the lost.

The sinner’s great hope.

The whole hope of our salvation.

Universal refuge.

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