All courses

Lymphoedema Education Solutions will work with you to develop an educational experience that meets your needs or that of your organisation. Benefits include:

  • Current information that explores evidence based research.
  • Best practice adult learning via:
    • Utilising and building on the health professionals current knowledge and skills
    • Online learning via a dedicated learning management platform.
    • Interactive face to face sessions that use a variety of teaching approaches which enables it to be an authentic experience.
  • Knowledge and skills that can be immediately used in clinical practice.
  • The Level 1 and Level 2 lymphoedema courses are endorsed by the Australasian Lymphology Association. On successful completion of these courses the practitioner is eligible to register on the National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register.
  • If you are completing a post graduate course in your profession you may be eligible to use these courses as an elective subject.

Face to face courses

Level 1 Lymphoedema Courses

Level 2 Lymphoedema Courses

Head and Neck Course

Head and Neck Lymphoedema Course – course description

Breast Care Nurses Lymphoedema Courses


LES online courses:

A collection of online learning modules including research papers, lectures, videos and surveys.

NEW Compression and Peripheral Artery Disease – course description

Night time compression course – course description

Bandaging Challenging Lower Limb Chronic Oedema with 3M™ Coban™ 2 Layer Bandage System – course description

Laser Course 1 Introduction to Laser Safety Parameters and Dosages: How to get to where you want to be – course description

Laser Course 2 Therapeutic laser for the management of lymphoedema – course description

Laser Course 3 Therapeutic laser for the management of musculoskeletal conditions – course description

Klose Training courses:

Lymphoedema Education Solutions also provide a range of cost effective and up-to-date lymphoedema online courses created by Klose Training:

Lymphoedema Education Solutions has partnered with Klose Training to bring you valuable online continuing education courses that you can access anytime, anywhere. Klose Training is the leading provider of lymphoedema education in the Unites States. They are focused on developing engaging, video-based content that is full of visual aids to improve comprehension.

When you pay for an online course, your registration will be sent to Klose Training. Klose Training will email your 3 month course access information, provide help with any technical issues you might have, and email your certificate of completion after you have successfully completed the course.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities for continued professional development for lymphoedema practitioners or to design a course or workshop to meet your needs.

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