- Synopsis
- Peter Quill, a man of the ’80s, finds himself caught in the middle of a conflict spanning the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe attempting to earn his title of Star-Lord with a team of ex-cons that includes a genetically engineered raccoon (Rocket Raccoon), a sentient alien tree of royal descent (Groot), a human who died and came back a killing machine (Drax the Destroyer), and powerful assassin who vows revenge against her master (Gamora).
- Genre
- Sci-Fi Action Adventure Comedy Space Adventure Superheroes Aliens Based on a Comic Marvel Comics MCU 3D
- Director
- Cast
- Year / Country:
- 2014 / United States
- Original title:
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Running time
- 118 min.
- Screenwriter
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Movie Groups
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Guardians of the Galaxy
- Links
2014: Academy Awards: Nominated for Best Visual Effects and Makeup
2014: BAFTA Awards: 2 Nominations including Best Special Visual Effects
2014: Satellite Awards: Nominated for Best Visual Effects
2014: Annie Awards: Nominated for Best Character Animation in a Live Action
2014: Critics Choice Awards: Best Action Movie & Best Make-up
More info about Guardians of the Galaxy