- Synopsis
- Acclaimed director Tim Burton brings his vividly imaginative style to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, about eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp) and Charlie, a good-hearted boy from a poor family who lives in the shadow of Wonka's extraordinary factory. Long isolated from his own family, Wonka launches a worldwide contest to select an heir to his candy empire. Five lucky children, including Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore), draw golden tickets from Wonka chocolate bars and win a guided tour of the legendary candy-making facility that no outsider has seen in 15 years. Dazzled by one amazing sight after another, Charlie is drawn into Wonka's fantastic world in this astonishing and enduring story.
- Genre
- Fantasy Comedy Kids Family-friendly Remake
- Director
- Cast
- Year / Country:
- 2005 / United States
- Original title:
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Running time
- 116 min.
- Screenwriter
- Music
2005: Nominated for Oscar: Best Costume Design
2005: Nominated for Golden Globe: Best Actor of Comedy or Musical (Johnny Depp)
2005: 4 Nominations for BAFTA Awards, including Best Costume Design and Visual Effects
2005: Critics' Choice Awards: Best Young Actor (Highmore). 2 Nominations
2005: Chicago Film Critics Association: Nominated for Best Original Score
More info about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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