+ 44 (0) 1563 525151 [email protected]

We are Macfarlane Labels

Your Scottish label printing partner

Experts in our field, with over 40 years of experience printing high-quality labels, specialising in self-adhesive and resealable labelling. We produce product labels that create a standout shelf appeal, enhancing brands and building new ones.

As part of The Reflex Group, Macfarlane Labels offers a full end-to-end labelling and packaging solution from initial design through to the final print run.

What we do

Our offering at a glance

Macfarlane Labels

Latest self-adhesive printing technologies

Macfarlane Labels

Reseal-it® labelling systems and applicators

Macfarlane Labels

Multi-site production facilities

Macfarlane Labels

certificated sites

Macfarlane Labels

Comprehensive quality assurance procedures throughout

Macfarlane Labels

In-house design, repro and platemaking

Macfarlane Labels

Fully integrated ERP systems

Macfarlane Labels

Inventory management system

Get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!