Here's the latest news from the OpenMP Architecture Review Board...

OpenMP at SC'19 in Denver

Come to Supercomputing 2019 in Denver, and catch up with OpenMP while you're there. From book drawings and beer, to booth talks and freebies -- be sure to stop by and see us.

Attend a full-day OpenMP Tutorial on Sunday and Monday:
  • Mastering Tasking with OpenMP (Sun., Rm 406)
  • OpenMP Common Core: A Hands-On Exploration (Sun., Rm 301)
  • Advanced OpenMP: Host Performance and 5.0 Features (Mon., Rm 303)
  • Programming your GPU with OpenMP: Hands-On Into (Mon., Rm 301)

Add the OpenMP BOF to your calendar:
  • OpenMP API Version 5.0 – State of the Union
  • Wed Nov 20, 5:15pm-6:45pm, Room 205-207

And here's what OpenMP is serving up in Booth #1737:
  • Sixteen booth talks covering a range of OpenMP topics
  • Free OpenMP 5.0 reference guides, as well as lanyards and stickers
  • Enter drawings each day for a free OpenMP book!
  • Beer and other beverages at 4:pm on Tues & Wed,
Learn more about OpenMP at SC'19

What's New With OpenMP Tools?

.A roundup of the latest news about tools for OpenMP:
  • New tool to view OpenMP tasks in your code: This tool visualizes the OpenMP tasks in your code in an meaningful way: as rectangles on a thread. Have a look at the link. More info
  • SPEC ACCEL benchmark V1.3: This benchmark suite tests the performance of accelerator, host CPU, memory transfer between host and accelerator using OpenMP, MPI and OpenACC. More info.
  • Syntax highlighting of OpenMP in the Atom text editor:    More info

OpenMP Use Cases

.The latest stories about use cases and implementations of OpenMP:
  • Plasma simulation using hybrid OpenMP and MPI: . More info.
  • Acceleration of object-tracking in high speed videogrammetry using a parallel OpenMP strategy:  More info
  • Parallel computing of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis based on OpenMP: More info

GPU Offloading for OpenMP on AMD Radeon

. GPU offloading patches for the AMD Radeon GCN target have been published on the mainline branch of GCC. The set of eight now-published patches provide basic GPU offloading support for OpenMP. They are pending for next year's release of GCC 10.

More info

LLNL repository provides OpenMP GPU examples

.The LLNL GPU repository provides Fortran examples and documentation for next-generation GPU machines. It is meant for sharing between Fortran developers and vendors, and it is based on OpenMP and CUDA.

More info

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