Here's the latest news from the OpenMP Architecture Review Board...

OpenMP UK Users' Conference

June 4-5, 2019  |  Edinburgh

It's not too late to register for this event! Two days of talks and tutorials aimed at furthering the collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst the UK community of high-performance computing specialist using OpenMP. 

More details and schedules
Register at EventBrite


OpenMP Activities at ISC 2019

June 16-20, 2019  |  Frankfurt

ISC 2019 in Frankfurt will include several OpenMP related events, including an OpenMP BoF, two OpenMP related tutorials, and an OpenMP panel at the Intel booth.

Submit Your Talks to OpenMPCon!

Sep. 9-11, 2019  |  Auckland, NZ

The OpenMP community-driven OpenMPCon will be in Auckland, New Zealand September 9-11. Present there!
  • OpenMPCon: Submit your user-oriented content. We want to hear how you use OpenMP, and others want to learn from your experience. Give a tutorial, present a poster, give a technical talk and describe your work, or show a crazy idea. Your submission should be a short abstract of 300 to 1000 words.
Submit your talk to OpenMPCon by June 7

What's New With OpenMP Tools?

  • GCC 9.1 has been released with initial OpenMP 5.0 support. See the list of supported OpenMP 5.0 features.
  • LLVM's OpenMP implementation supports OpenMP 5.0 memory management. Learn more and read about it in LLVM Weekly
  • LLVM’s OpenMP GPU offloading patch yields up to 30% performance benefits by executing more code in SPMD mode. Read more.
  • The Python OpenMP library pygram11 is a tool for quickly creating simple histograms. The backend is written in C++11 (with help from pybind11) and accelerated with OpenMP. Learn more.
  • NVIDIA's PGI compilers to enhance OpenMP apps on NVIDIA GPUs. Berkeley Lab researchers will work with NVIDIA engineers to  enable OpenMP applications to run on NVIDIA GPUs. Read more

New OpenMP ARB Member 

OpenMP welcomes new member, The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, who will bring the European OpenMP community closer to the OpenMP ARB. Read the full press release.

New Articles & Blogs about OpenMP

OpenMP and Machine Learning. Microsoft’s research shows that the OpenMP SIMD directive is the most widely used OpenMP feature in Machine Learning. Therefore they now support the OpenMP SIMD Extension in Visual Studio C++. Read the blog.  

Parallelizing Loops with OpenMP.  Jeff Layton has started a new article series on how to use OpenMP in Admin HPC. Read the article.

Parallelizing Your Code, Part 2. Jefferson Mello is continuing his series on his parallelization experiences on his website. In this part, he discusses OpenMP. Read the post
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