
Our first paralegal training session in Assam is going ahead! We couldn't have done it without you.
Last week, Teesta made a special appeal to raise funds for several of our projects, importantly, the training of paralegals and volunteers in Assam, where the NRC crisis has put the citizenship of over 40 lakh people at risk.

Our amazing supporters really stepped up to the plate, and we're so happy to announce that with your generosity, we're commencing a series of training sessions for paralegals to assist citizens at various hearings and court proceedings. This will help so many of Assam's poor and vulnerable obtain the the legal help they need to navigate the last legs of the NRC process
as well as proceedings in Foreigners' Tribunals. For that, you deserve a massive thank you.

The first three-day training session will be held in Gauhati where we will be helping 60 volunteers master various procedural and documentation formalities. This will be a comprehensive training where they will familiarise themselves with previous judgments, changes in successive SOPs and modalities, as well as various relevant acts, laws and orders.
These volunteers will also be given the tools to train others, in the hopes that our help can reach the furthest corners of Assam. This is just one of the several training sessions we have planned for the near future!

What exactly are Foreigners' Tribunals, and what powers do they have?
The hasty and often irresponsible decisions made by Assam's Foreigners' Tribunals are already responsible for the despair and unfair exclusion of many of our fellow Indians. Not only have thousands of families been torn apart, but the process has been overwhelmingly biased against the poor, who often don't have any documents to defend their genuine citizenship. In the video above, we explain exactly what Assam's Foreigners' Tribunals do to those whose citizenship is at risk.

Yours for justice,

 Citizens for Justice and Peace
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