Here's the latest news from the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.

IWOMP 2024 Call for Papers

IWOMP 2024Join us in Perth, Australia for IWOMP 2024, September 23 - 26, 2024. The IWOMP'24 call for papers has been published, with this year's theme "Advancing OpenMP for Future Accelerators." We are interested in all OpenMP-related unpublished research, but particularly on this theme detailing OpenMP extensions, implementations, and applications that facilitate accelerators.
  • CFP Deadline: June 7, 2024
  • Event Dates: September 23-26, 2024
  • Location: Perth, Australia
Submit in your Paper and join us in Perth!
Submit your paper for IWOMP 2024

IWOMP 2024 hosted by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.
This year's event will be co-located with the MPI Forum and EuroMPI.

Register now for ISC 2024 in Germany
ISC 2024The International Supercomputing conference is an SC event on HPC, ML, data analytics, and quantum computing, connecting the public,  industry users, and technology developers. This year's conference has two OpenMP-specific sessions: Early-bird registration rates are in place until March 27.
Register now for ISC 2024, and we look forward to seeing you in Hamburg.
Register for ISC 2024

PPCES Presentations Available
PPCES PresentersThe Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science (PPCES) event was held at RWTH Aachen University in Germany on March 11-15. In addition to tutorials and presentations about MPI and Machine Learning, an OpenMP tutorial was presented by Christian Terboven and Ruud van der Pas, both long-time members of the OpenMP Language Committee.

The presentations are aimed at beginners in parallel computing.  Presentation materials from every tutorial and talk at the event are available to download.
Download PPCES Presentations

OpenMP API used in embedded FPGA SoCs in satellites

LIONESS-ESAThe LIONESS-ESA project started last January. The partners BSC, IRT AESE St Exupery, Space Codesign, and Airbus will join forces to improve and leverage the OpenMP API for the efficient and safe use of new high-performance embedded FPGA SoCs in modern satellites. Read about project at ESA website

Upcoming OpenMP Courses

Parallelization with MPI & OpenMP
HLRISThe High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) is organizing a course on the MPI and OpenMP programming models. Hands-on sessions (in C, Fortran, and Python) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of MPI and OpenMP. The instructor will be Dr Rolf Rabenseifner.

Parallel Programming with OpenMP
KU LeuvenThe University KU Leuven is presenting this course, which covers the OpenMP API 3.1 standard, and gives an overview of features in OpenMP 4.0.

Programming Heterogeneous Systems in OpenMP
ERAD/RSThe Brazilian Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul has organized a course entitled “Programação de sistemas heterogêneos em OpenMP” (Programming heterogeneous systems in OpenMP). They will explore the programming approach offered by OpenMP, showing in a simplified manner paths for implementing and optimizing applications for heterogeneous systems with a focus on GPUs.
  • Date/Time: April 26, 2024
  • Location: Florianópolis Campus, Santa Catarina, Brazil

SIB CourseFirst Steps in Parallelization with OpenMP
The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is presenting this course. The attendance is free, however registration is mandatory.
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