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  1. Today
  2. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Looks like an Ohio swirl to me.
  3. What people call "lashes" are caused by dull shears. Any manufacturer.
  4. Tommy

    3/4 WVS

    If I imagine it on a green base I'd say it was an Alley.. Another killer one 🔥
  5. With that seam I would say yes. Love them green slags ...👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  6. I wanna say Alley....but ...... Killer mib 🔥 👌
  7. I kind of thing so. Any ideas here🔥 RAR
  8. The lashes fom what I have come to understand is from dull cutters .I don't know why Akro had more probably because of sheer number of mibs produced..just my thoughts 🤔
  9. If anyone has examples of both? Could you post them and take a good look at what the differences are🔥 RAR
  10. I’ve post this marble before. I couldn’t tell why the surface just felt weird. It taps like glass on my teeth and glass. Art noticed what look the “flakes” I’ve seen it under 30X loupe. Long story short it was finger nail polish. I grabbed my Wife’s polish remove and a cotton ball. Gone. The one flea bite indicates it hasn’t been buffed. No sharp edges. I guess this one may have been in a fish tank. I don’t care. AV over load and James Dean paving the road for future Rebels🔥
  11. Alan

    So .....

    You camera is unable to focus that close. Back up the camera until the marble comes into focus. Look up how to do a manual center focus select. Also, pics taken on a black background will always come out dark, as the exposure averages on the background unless you choose what part of the image to focus on.
  12. Ric

    Uk beach marble

    Neat bit of beach glass but there isn't really enough detail for an attempt at identification.
  13. Ric

    So .....

    The first looks like it might be a hand-made of some sort - the pictures are a bit out of focus so it's hard to tell. The others look like JABOs to me.
  14. Yesterday
  15. intuit

    So .....

    Sorry about the dust. I haven't had these out for a minute
  16. intuit

    So .....

    These are some of my faves. Had them forever. They're just standard size. But I have a peewee one with some awesome colors. Will post it later
  17. That's a beauty - really nice colors and symmetry!
  18. I'm leaning a little to Ravenswood
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