Legendary Foods
I was searching around for some new and interesting keto snacks that my boys would like and I found this company called Legendary Foods. At first glance I thought their nut butters like Pecan Pie and Peanut Butter Cup peanut butter were too good to be true and couldn’t possibly be keto. BUT I was so happy to see that they use no sugar! They use stevia and erythritol to sweeten their tasty keto snacks!
Legendary Foods carries Cheddar Bacon and Ranch seasoned almonds that are a MUST try! And the Pecan Pie almond butter… drool!!!! I loved mine melted all over my Keto Dutch Baby Pancake!
Click HERE to order!
“I have been doing what I thought was KETO for over a year and a half now. In that time frame, I lost 26 pounds. Then I completely stalled and even started to gain – since last November. I didn’t seem to have that “I feel great feeling” that so many people talk about. I slept horribly (waking up at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep, etc). This past week I decided to try “The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse” with the thought that if it doesn’t start moving the scale and not leave me craving foods (especially dairy) I will give up. Well…I am going on my 6th day and I feel great. (I finally know what people are talking about). I have slept through the night since the beginning. (I always just thought I wasn’t a sleeper), down 6 pounds exactly and never feel hungry. And I sure as heck didn’t crave dairy anymore. WOOHOO! Maria Wojcik Emmerich and Craig Emmerich. You are a godsend. Thank you so much for this book, the easy recipes, helping with my weight loss journey and helping me sleep through the night!” Lisa
Wow — sounds great. So… how will you and the boys eat the nut butters? I have trouble finding ways other than a spoonful. (which they sound like would be perfect that way!) Just thought I’d see if you have any ideas — without bread or crackers I feel a little at a loss what to do with PB
I love that.
On our protein bread, waffles, pancakes, etc.
How often do you have snacks available for the kids and does it vary by age? And amount?
looks like some of the nuts have maltodextrin in. Are they still a good option?
In your book you say to stay at or below 20 total carbs. When I input my information into the keto calculator on your website it puts me at 10 total grams of carbs. Do you think that is the more accurate calculation that I should go with?
Nevermind! Just read your answer to the same question elsewhere!
Below 20g is good. Lower the better for weight loss.