“‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice.’ St. Paul insists on that idea, and from now on until Christmas we get the suggestion from the liturgy of the Church of that joy which should abound in the […] soul. Advent is a time of penance, but this Third Sunday brings even in the liturgy a note of joy; the organ is played at High Mass, rose colored vestments are worn, and flowers may be admitted to the altar[.] The Church bids us to bring joy into our hearts today, and remember that that is a sentiment which should fill the […] heart.”
~ Fr. James A. Walsh, December 13, 1931
With the spirit of rejoicing in mind, we wish to share “Tollite Hostias” with you, from the album “Maryknoll Sings: Seasons of Grace” by The Maryknoll Choir. The joyful sound and lyrical meaning of this song cannot help but communicate a call for all to rejoice for the coming of the Lord.
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