Maxine Greene

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After completing this project, I have a new appreciation for not only Maxine Greene, but educational theorists in general. The amount of work they put into their craft is astonishing. Also, the amount of passion that they show toward what they believe, and toward education as a whole is massive.

I chose Maxine Greene for a reason, and that reason is no less clear as I am finishing all of this. I appreciated her, when I first learned about her, for her progressive attitude towards education. I, too, believe that art is a major part of education. Whether that art form is art, writing, music, or otherwise, it all plays a role in the way in which people learn and express themselves. 

I also appreciate her views on what the purpose of knowledge is. Since she is a philosopher, it makes sense that she takes a more existential approach to education. I agree that education should be all about self-actualization and realization. If people do not find themselves through education, where will they find it? In addition, if people do not find their individual purpose, what is the point of going through life’s trials and tribulations, anyway? 

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Maxine Greene and her theories. When I have my own classroom, and even when I am student teaching, I will keep her theories in mind and hopefully be able to implement them successfully. 

maxine greene education


In one criticism of Greene’s work, specifically Teacher as Stranger, David M. Dees talks about why sometimes it is difficult, regardless of the teacher’s attitude, for students to put forth their identities. Unfortunately, we live in a society where there are many identities that students feel that they must hide from their peers, parents, and everyone else. In addition to this, there are certainly teachers out there who are feeling this same way, due to their LGBTQ identity or otherwise. 

criticism articles education maxine greene