File upload

React Bootstrap 5 File upload plugin

MD Bootstrap's File Upload plugin is an extension that allows you to upload files by using drag and drop functionality. Easy to use, setup and customize.

File upload plugin built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Many customization options like custom height, max size, confirmation message, and much more.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Basic example

Drag and drop a file here or click

    import React from 'react';
    import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
    export default function App() {
      return (
        <MDBFileUpload />

    Controlled value

    Drag and drop a file here or click

      import React, { useState } from 'react';
      import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
      export default function App() {
        const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
        return (
            onChange={(files) => {

      Default message example

      By adding defaultMessage property you can set main message of the file upload.

      custom message

        import React from 'react';
        import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
        export default function App() {
          return (
            <MDBFileUpload defaultMessage='custom message' />

        Custom height example

        Drag and drop a file here or click

          import React from 'react';
          import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
          export default function App() {
            return (
              <MDBFileUpload style={{ height: '500px' }} />

          Max size

          By adding maxFileSize property you can set max size of a file.

          Drag and drop a file here or click

            import React from 'react';
            import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
            export default function App() {
              return (
                <MDBFileUpload maxFileSize='2M' />


            By adding disabled property you can disable the component.

            Drag and drop a file here or click

              import React from 'react';
              import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
              export default function App() {
                return (
                  <MDBFileUpload disabled />

              Accept formats

              By adding acceptedExtensions property you can set allowed file types.

              Drag and drop a file here or click

                import React from 'react';
                import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
                export default function App() {
                  return (
                    <MDBFileUpload acceptedExtensions='image/*' />

                Disabled remove button

                By adding disabledRemoveButton property you can remove "Remove button".

                Drag and drop a file here or click

                  import React from 'react';
                  import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
                  export default function App() {
                    return (
                      <MDBFileUpload disabledRemoveButton />

                  Multiple files

                  By adding multiple property you can allow to upload more than single file.

                  Drag and drop a file here or click

                    import React from 'react';
                    import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
                    export default function App() {
                      return (
                        <MDBFileUpload multiple />

                    Multiple with files limit

                    By adding maxFileQuantity property you can set limit of uploaded files.

                    Drag and drop a file here or click

                      import React from 'react';
                      import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';
                      export default function App() {
                        return (
                          <MDBFileUpload multiple maxFileQuantity={3} />

                      File upload - API


                      import { MDBFileUpload } from 'mdb-react-file-upload';



                      Name Type Default Description Example
                      acceptedExtensions any [] Allows you to set specific file formats <MDBFileUpload acceptedExtensions="image/*" />
                      defaultFile string '' Allows to set default file <MDBFileUpload defaultFile="" />
                      defaultMessage string 'Drag and drop a file here or click' Changes text of default message <MDBFileUpload defaultMessage="Custom message" />
                      disabled boolean 'false' Makes drag and drop disabled <MDBFileUpload disabled />
                      disabledRemoveBtn boolean 'false' Allows you to disabled remove button <MDBFileUpload disabledRemoveBtn />
                      formatError string 'Your file has incorrect file format (correct format(s) ~~~)' Changes text of format's error (add '~~~' to show allowed formats) <MDBFileUpload formatError="Custom message" />
                      getInputFiles (files: File[]) => any - Returns current uploaded files array <MDBFileUpload getInputFiles={(files) => console.log(files)} />
                      mainError string 'Ooops, something wrong happended.' Changes text of main error message <MDBFileUpload mainError="Custom message" />
                      maxFileQuantity number 'Infinity' Allows you to upload specific number of files <MDBFileUpload maxFileQuantity={3} />
                      maxFileSize number | string '' Changes allowed file max size <MDBFileUpload maxFileSize="2M" />
                      maxSizeError string 'Your file is too big (Max size ~~~)' Changes text of size's error (add '~~~' to show value of max size) <MDBFileUpload maxSizeError="Custom message" />
                      multiple boolean 'false' Allows you to upload more than single file <MDBFileUpload multiple />


                      Name Type Description
                      onRemove () => any This event fires immediately when the file is removed.
                      onChange onChange?: (files: File[]) => any Fires when the uploaded file or files array changes. Returns current uploaded files array
                      getInputFiles (files: File[]) => any Returns current uploaded files array