Click Outside

Vue Bootstrap 5 Click Outside

mdbClickOutside is a custom directive which allows watching clicks outside the container.

Basic usage

Import the directive from mdb-vue-ui-kit and add mdbClickOutside to the directives object. Now you can attach the directive to any html element or component. Check the console to see the result (F12).

  <div class="bg-black" v-mdb-click-outside="handleOutsideClick" style="width: 50px; height: 50px"></div>
  import { mdbClickOutside } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit';

  export default {
    directives: {
    setup() {
      const handleOutsideClick = () => console.log('Clicked outside!');

      return {
<script setup lang="ts">
  import { mdbClickOutside as vMdbClickOutside } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit';

  const handleOutsideClick = () => console.log('Clicked outside!');

If you wish to use the mousedown event instead of the default click, use mousedown prop.

  <div class="bg-black" v-mdb-click-outside.mousedown="handleOutsideMousedown" style="width: 50px; height: 50px"></div>
  import { mdbClickOutside } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit';

  export default {
    directives: {
    setup() {
      const handleOutsideMousedown = () => console.log('Mousedown outside!');

      return {
<script setup lang="ts">
  import { mdbClickOutside as vMdbClickOutside } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit';

  const handleOutsideMousedown = () => console.log('Mousedown outside!');

Click Outside - API


  import { mdbClickOutside } from 'mdb-vue-ui-kit';


Property Type Default Description
mousedown Boolean false Change event from click to mousedown