compton/woodley airport replacement terminal project
About the Project

Plans are now underway at Compton / Woodley Airport to design and build a new terminal building.
The current terminal building is a modular building of approximately 3,300 square feet that was placed at the airport in 1994 and has since served in its limited capacity as a terminal building at the airport.

A general aviation airport terminal building is the central hub or really the front doors to an airport. It’s not only a facility to accommodate airport administration but more significantly to provide airport stakeholders (including the flying public, airport business, airport tenants, aviation non-profit organizations, and local businesses, organizations, and residents) access to airport information, products, services, and facilities that benefit all.
During this design process, we want your input which is critical to ensure that the new facility meets the needs of not only today’s and tomorrow’s general aviation but also those of the local community.
This webpage will serve to provide updates on the design process as it moves forward as well as to offer opportunities to leave feedback, comments, or review on the project. Bookmark this page and come back for updates as we continue this exciting opportunity for the airport and the community!Frequently Asked Questions
Will the airport grow as far as footprint? Will it extend into the surrounding neighborhoods?
No, the project is only replacing the temporary structure that is currently being used as the general aviation hub. It will improve services for tenants and the surrounding community.
Will this project increase noise and traffic?
As this project is replacing the general aviation terminal building and not expanding it, there is no anticipated long-term increases in noise and traffic.
What is the timeline for this project?
There is no current timetable for this project. We are currently in the pre-design process. We’re gathering community and user feedback, and then we’ll move forward into design, where we will have an update to the timeframe.
“We appreciate your (LA Public Works) willingness to listen to the community this early in the process.”
“Considering incorporating a space for community use is intriguing. We’re looking forward to what that might be.”
“Please consider noise and traffic concerns for the surrounding area as they access the airport.”
“Consider having outdoor spaces for the public to enjoy airport-related shows and events.”