Vision – To be the school of choice in Mokopane
The simple but achievable goal for the school was agreed to as to be the school of choice in Mokopane
To be a school of choice we must deliver an educational product that is learner focused, educator rich, experiential and real world applicable with a focus on critical thinking, problem solving, emotional capacity and social and environmental empathy.
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. – Sydney J. Harris
Education is in part about the end product – producing young men and young women able to make a meaningful contribution to society; preferably as self-sufficient work generators, not work seekers, and certainly where possible, able to benefit from higher education, to contribute positively in employment, and to lead fulfilling and productive lives, and not necessarily about exam scores.
The biggest challenge facing the schools today is to change the perceptions of many parents as to the role of education in a global environment that is continually evolving. The education space is very different to what it was ten or even five years ago, and parents need as much education to understand this as do their children to cope in a world where for many of them, their future careers are yet to be created.
To achieve this, we need schools that inspire curiosity, creativity, an entrepreneurial spirit as well as compassion in It’s pupils. Schools that enrich the lives of their learners with the enjoyment and understanding of their particular linguistic and cultural heritage, and empower learners with the knowledge, courage, skills and independence of mind that will make them effective and responsible citizens and potentially, leaders of the world they will inherit.
Developing the whole child has been the goal of many leading global educators. Those who are succeeding appear to have struck the balance among learning, assessment and helping students understand who they are, what they love, and what positive contributions they can make to their communities. Schools should be places of dynamic interaction where a culture of evolving approaches to education is explored.
Furthermore, education is as much about managing and developing teachers as it is about developing learners. To this end, I believe that professional development and the ongoing added value of exposure to innovation and cutting edge developments in education is with doubt key to the success of any school.
The mission and vision of The Mokopane English Combined School must be to ensure sustainable and affordable private education to a predominantly middle class population without compromising the quality of the product offered. One would suggest that the core value system of the school is likely to be based on the following:
- It will provide high quality education at all times
- It will operate with integrity at all times
- It will be innovative, relevant and creative at all times in the education it provides
- It will be dynamic in responding to a changing business, educational and social milieu conditions
- It will operate in a principled, professional and ethical manner at all times and will constantly strive to the needs of the pupils and parents first
Strategic Objectives
- Teaching and Learning
- Review and upgrade teacher resources
- Attract, retain and develop teachers (See HR)
- Develop a Global focus
- Explore e-learning options
- Develop and after school venue for senior study
- Improve SRC involvement
- Image/Marketing
- Appoint Marketing agent
- Develop and launch website
- Maintain all social media platforms
- Weekly newsletter
- Improve main entrance reception to College and Foundation Phase.
- Improve – external and internal signage
- Improve learner dress and appearance
- Aggressively Market the “new” MECS in Mokopane and in the wider Educational community
- Identify 4 key window events and market accordingly
- Explore the option of name change in order to change perception of the school in the wider community but without unnecessary negative impact
- Explore options of bursaries and scholarships
- Staff bursaries
- Two scholarships per grade based on academic merit
- Financial
- Explore process of relocating all financial functions to the school finance office
- Administrative staff review of capacity and restructure if necessary
- Maintain a cash positive environment and build one month operating costs reserve.
- Reporting- Accurate Annual, Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly cash flow projections, management accounts and asset management
- Produce timely and accurate budgets and include all relevant role players in budget generation
- Full school financial policy review
- Explore alternative income Opportunities – ie Aftercare, Tuck-shop, Transport, Facilities hire, Winter school
- Infrastructure
- Appoint Infrastructure Senior HOD
- Conduct audit of facilities create General Maintenance Plan
- Develop grounds as per ” Image” requirements ( paths, entrance, signage etc)
- Stable and adequate IT network
- Improve Playground at Foundation Phase
- Expand teaching space at Foundation Phase
- Review school entrance and admin office area requirements
- Explore options for alternative High School venue
- Staffing and HR (Develop and maintain a stable and motivated staff compliment)
- Review conditions of employment and all terms and conditions of all contracts
- Assess value add of current KPI system. If necessary develop alternative or remove
- Review and reallocate according to interest, ability and capacity, all staff non-academic duties and responsibilities
- Appoint admin secretary to Foundation Phase to support Head
- Ensure a transparent internal/external promotion process
- Ensure maximize opportunities within budgets for staff development – make full use of ISASA workshops
- Extra Mural and Enrichment (Sport and Culture) (Expand participation in formal informal and cultural opportunities for learners)
- Develop non-sport ie culture options for afternoon activities
- Investigate options for
- Private Music lessons
- Dance
- Drama
- Choir
- Explore learnerships or outsourcing key sporting coaching positions ie football and netball
- Review school day structure to facilitate extra-mural program
- Develop sport and culture awards for participation and achievement
- Governance (Ensure sound and effective internal and external governance)
- Review and restructure senior roles and accountabilities to empower and develop staff
- Regular scheduled meetings with agenda and minutes
- Appoint acting senior positions
- Board to review governance status
- Constitution
- Meeting procedures
- Confidentiality agreements
- Rules for Governors
- All Board compliance requirements
- School policy audit