
Enrollment Procedures


Phase 1:

Note: Courses cannot be dropped in the Phase 1 curriculum without withdrawing from the University.

  • Drop without penalty (course removed from transcript)
    • If a student withdraws or goes on a LOA from the School of Medicine prior to completion of 10% of the timeframe of a course, the enrollment will be voided.
  • Drop with W grade
    • After completion of 10% of the course, a grade of W will be assigned. If the student re-enters the course, they will be reenrolled in the course according to the Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Readmission Policy.
  • Withdrawal deadline
    • After 80% of a course is completed, students can no longer receive a W grade. If there are extenuating circumstances, and if it is feasible, a student may petition for a grade of Incomplete. Feasibility is determined by the course director after a review of the coursework not completed and other practical considerations in accordance with the School of Medicine’s Policy on Academic and Professional Advancement.

Phase 2/Clerkships:

Note: The following procedures pertain to courses interrupted when a student takes a Leave of Absence or Withdraws.

Drop without penalty (clerkship removed from transcript)

  • A student may drop and void registration in a clerkship only before 10% of the clerkship has been completed.
  • Drop with W grade
    • After 10% of the clerkship is completed, but before the withdrawal deadline, a grade of W will be assigned. If the student subsequently re-enters the clerkship, they will be reenrolled in the clerkship according to the Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Readmission Policy.
  • Withdrawal deadline
    • After 80% of a clerkship is completed, a student can no longer drop. If there are extenuating circumstances, and if it is feasible, a student may petition for a grade of Incomplete. Feasibility is determined by the clerkship director after a review of the work not completed and other practical considerations in accordance with the School of Medicine’s Policy on Academic and Professional Advancement.

Note: The following procedures pertain to clerkships interrupted by excused absences.

  • A student granted an excused absence by their College Dean from clerkship for a period of greater than 2 days is required to make up the additional days missed.
  • Student is graded Incomplete (IN) until the pending requirements are met.
  • The IN grades is changed to the earned grade upon completion of clerkship.

Phase 3:

Required Courses:
Note: The following procedures pertain to courses interrupted when a student takes a Leave of Absence or Withdraws.

  • Drop without penalty (course removed from transcript)
    • If a student withdraws or goes on a LOA from the School of Medicine prior to completion of 10% of the timeframe of a course, the enrollment will be voided.
  • Drop with W grade
    • After completion of 10% of the course, a grade of W will be assigned. If the student re-enters the course, they will be reenrolled in the course according to the Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Readmission Policy.
  • Withdrawal deadline
    • After 80% of a course is completed, students can no longer receive a W grade. If there are extenuating circumstances, and if it is feasible, a student may petition for a grade of Incomplete. Feasibility is determined by the course director after a review of the coursework not completed and other practical considerations in accordance with the School of Medicine’s Policy on Academic and Professional Advancement.

Note: The following procedures pertain to courses interrupted by excused absences.

  • A student granted an excused absence by their College Dean from Phase 3 required course for a period of greater than 2 days is required to make up the additional days missed.
  • Student is graded Incomplete (IN) until the pending requirements are met.
  • The IN grades is changed to the earned grade upon completion of Phase 3 required course.

Electives (including Advanced Clinical Electives)

  • Adding a Phase 3 Elective Courses- see the Phase 3 Handbook on VMED.
  • Dropping an Elective
    • Students can drop an elective no later than 28 days prior to the start of the elective.
    • To drop an arranged elective, students must obtain approval from the elective supervisor, which must be forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs (via email).
    • Dropping an elective after the deadline, unless approved by the Director of the Phase 3 Program in conjunction with the Phase 3 Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee, will result in no credit for the elective. Exceptions may be considered for reasons such as illness requiring extended absenteeism, family emergencies, extreme hardship or a change in career goals, but these are to be discussed with the Director of the Phase 3 Program and approval is required.
    • Students will lose one credit for each week (or partial week) for which the drop request is past the deadline.
    • Students who drop after the deadline cannot earn credit for other elective work during the period of the dropped elective.


The Medical Education Management Committee has oversight and approval for this procedure.

Related Policies


  • Next scheduled review June 2027
  • Revised January 2024
  • Revised June 2022