
Loss of Clinical Privileges; Suspension of Employment and Pay

Date: March 4, 2020
Number: 1.850
Status: Final

Contact Office:
Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
Dean’s Office, School of Medicine
PO Box 800793
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0793
Phone: 434-243-7088

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
Dean’s Office, School of Medicine
PO Box 800793
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0793
Phone: 434-924-9030

Oversight Executive:
Dean’s Office, School of Medicine
PO Box 8007932
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0793
Phone: 434-982-405023

Applies to:
School of Medicine Faculty Members who have been granted Clinical Privileges by the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center (the “Medical Center”).

Reason for Policy:
Faculty Members are expected to meet the high standards of professionalism set forth in the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Clinical Staff of the University of Virginia Medical Center (the “Bylaws”), the Clinical Staff Code of Conduct (Medical Center Policy 0291) as may be amended, and other policies applicable to Clinical Staff.

Definition of Terms:
Adverse Action: Any reduction, restriction (including the requirement of prospective or concurrent consultation), suspension, revocation or denial of Clinical Privileges by the Clinical Staff of the Medical Center that constitutes grounds for a hearing pursuant to the Bylaws.

Clinical Privileges: The permission granted, in accordance with the Bylaws, to a member of the Clinical Staff to render specific diagnostic, therapeutic, medical, dental or surgical services for patients of the Medical Center.

Clinical Staff: The formal organizations of all licensed physicians, dentists, PhD clinical psychologists, PhD clinical pathologists and podiatrists who may practice independently and who are granted recognition as members by the Clinical Staff of the Medical Center under the terms of the Bylaws.

Faculty member: Any individual who has a faculty appointment to the School of Medicine and whose employment with the School of Medicine requires that the individual maintain Clinical Privileges.

Policy Statement:
The suspension, revocation, denial, automatic relinquishment or inactivation of a Faculty Member’s Clinical Privileges, whether due to Adverse Action, or pursuant to the application of other provisions of the Bylaws, or with the consent of the Faculty Member, shall constitute grounds under the Provost’s “Policy on Disciplinary Suspension or Termination of Academic Faculty” for the Dean of the School of Medicine to recommend, and the Provost to immediately implement, a suspension of the Faculty Member’s employment without pay.

Suspension of employment without pay shall be commensurate with the salary attributable to clinical duties and clinical research. If the Faculty Member is performing non-clinical work that is funded by existing non-clinical revenue sources, that work and income may continue, provided the Faculty Member’s loss of Clinical Privileges does not affect the performance of the work and the Faculty Member continues to diligently perform that work and is otherwise in compliance with University policies.

If the action taken with regard to Clinical Privileges under the procedures set forth in the Bylaws is revocation, such that the Faculty Member could not perform essential functions of his or her position, or if the School of Medicine appointment is expressly conditioned on the maintenance of clinical privileges, the Dean of the School of Medicine may recommend termination of the Faculty Member’s employment pursuant to the Provost’s “Policy on Disciplinary Suspension or Termination of Academic Faculty.”

The Dean of the School of Medicine’s recommendation to the Provost shall be in writing and shall include a description of and documentation confirming the action taken with regard to the Faculty Member’s Clinical Privileges. As soon as practicable, the Dean shall provide the Faculty Member with written notice of the recommendation.

Related Policy:
Provost Policy on Disciplinary Suspension or Termination of Academic Faculty

Revision History: Implemented May 20, 2014; administrative update 9/30/19; reviewed without change 3/4/20

Approved 3/4/20 by:
David S. Wilkes, MD
Dean, UVA School of Medicine