- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、pursue、pursuit、trace
- a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image (同)trace
- the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
- the discovery and description of the course of development of something; "the tracing of genealogies"
- make ones course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the dark forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
- a just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent" (同)hint, suggestion
- either of two lines that connect a horses harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
- an indication that something has been present; "there wasnt a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension" (同)vestige, tincture, shadow
- a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
- make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand" (同)draw, line, describe, delineate
- follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the students progress" (同)follow
- to go back over again; "we retraced the route we took last summer"; "trace your path" (同)retrace
- copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
- discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth"
- cut a groove into; "chase silver"
- a rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time
- pursue someone sexually or romantically (同)chase after
- go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit" (同)chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, dog, go after, track
- a piece of work that exploits or builds on earlier work; "his new software is a follow-up to the programs they started with" (同)followup
- an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done (同)followup
- a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment (同)followup, reexamination, review
- the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit" (同)chase, pursual, following
- a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria; "the pursuit of love"; "life is more than the pursuance of fame"; "a quest for wealth" (同)pursuance, quest
- carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?" (同)follow up on, act_on
- follow in or as if in pursuit; "The police car pursued the suspected attacker"; "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life" (同)follow
- a routine that provides a chronological record of the execution of a computer program
- a semitransparent paper that is used for tracing drawings
- 跡を追うこと,追跡;透写,複写 / 〈C〉 / 透写(複写)によってできたもの(地図・図案など),透写図
- 〈C〉〈U〉(過去に存在した人・物・事件などの)『跡』,形跡,痕跡;(人・動物・車などの通った)跡,足跡《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…の)かすかなきざし,気味,微量《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(記録計器の描く)線 / …‘の'『跡をつける』,‘を'追跡する,〈足跡など〉‘を'たどる / (…まで)…‘の'由来(起源,原因など)をさかのぼる《+名+back(+back+名)+to+名》 / (複写紙などを使って)…‘を'『[線をたどって]書き写す』 / 〈線・図形〉‘を'『描く』《+out+名,+名+out》 / 〈文字〉‘を'ていねいに書く / '‘を'捜しあてる,見つけ出す / (…に)『さかのぼる』《+back to+名》
- (馬車や荷車などに馬や牛などをつなぐための)引き革,核き綱
- 〈C〉『追跡』,追撃;追求 / 《the ~》狩猟 / 〈C〉追われる人(動物,船,飛行機) / 〈人・動物など〉'を'『追いかける』,追跡する / (…から)〈人・動物など〉'を'『追い払う』,追い出す《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / (…を)追う,追跡する《+『after』+『名』》 / 《話》走り回る《+『about』》,(…を)走り回る《+『about』+『名』》
- 〈金属・木〉‘に'浮き彫りする
- (壁・床にある)電線用みぞ
- 追求;追跡調査;(新聞などの)追いかけ記事 / 後を追う,重ねて行う
- 〈U〉(…を)『追うこと』,(…の)追跡《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(目的・快楽などの)『追求』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(一般に)仕事,趣味
- 〈獲物・犯人など〉‘を'『迫う』,追跡する / 〈計画・勧告など〉‘に'『従う』 / 〈目的・快楽など〉‘を'追求する / 〈仕事・研究・趣味など〉‘を'続ける / 追う,続ける
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/19 03:04:30」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Tracing may refer to:
- Tracing (law), a process by which a one demonstrates the ownership of property, with the intent to be awarded a claim based on this information
- Tracing (criminology), a subject concerning setting up traces of occurrence of objects generated from trace evidence left at crime scenes
- Tracing of family members, service provided by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Tracing (as with a gun or camera), tracking an object, as with the use of tracer ammunition
- Tracing in art, copying an object or drawing, especially with the use of translucent tracing paper
- Vectorization (image tracing), digital image processing to convert raster graphics into vector graphics
- Tracing (software), a method of debugging in computer programming
- Call tracing, a procedure in telephony that permits an entitled user to be informed about the routing of data for an established connection
- Dye tracing, tracking various flows using dye added to the liquid in question
- Anterograde tracing and Retrograde tracing, biological research techniques used to map the connections of neurons from source to termination and from termination to source, respectively
In logistics
- Tracking and tracing, a process of monitoring the location and status of property in transit
See also
- Tracking
- Trace
- Tracer
- Ray tracing (disambiguation), techniques in computer graphics or physics
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English Journal
- pH-sensitive nanocarrier based on gold/silver core-shell nanoparticles decorated multi-walled carbon manotubes for tracing drug release in living cells.
- Chen P1, Wang Z2, Zong S1, Zhu D1, Chen H1, Zhang Y1, Wu L1, Cui Y3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Jan 15;75:446-51. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.09.002. Epub 2015 Sep 2.
- We fabricate a multifunctional nanocarrier based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) decorated with gold/silver core-shell nanoparticles (Au@Ag NPs) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) for tracking the intracellular drug release process. In the demonstrated nanocarrier, the Au@Ag NPs adsorbe
- PMID 26360244
- What the Toadfish Ear Tells the Toadfish Brain About Sound.
- Edds-Walton PL1,2.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2016;877:197-226. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21059-9_10.
- Of the three, paired otolithic endorgans in the ear of teleost fishes, the saccule is the one most often demonstrated to have a major role in encoding frequencies of biologically relevant sounds. The toadfish saccule also encodes sound level and sound source direction in the phase-locked activity co
- PMID 26515316
- Assessing collective affect recognition via the Emotional Aperture Measure.
- Sanchez-Burks J1, Bartel CA2, Rees L3, Huy Q4.
- Cognition & emotion.Cogn Emot.2016 Jan;30(1):117-33. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2015.1015968. Epub 2015 Mar 26.
- Curiosity about collective affect is undergoing a revival in many fields. This literature, tracing back to Le Bon's seminal work on crowd psychology, has established the veracity of collective affect and demonstrated its influence on a wide range of group dynamics. More recently, an interest in the
- PMID 25809581
- Selective adsorption and separation of organic dyes from aqueous solution on polydopamine microspheres.
- Fu J1, Xin Q2, Wu X2, Chen Z2, Yan Y2, Liu S2, Wang M2, Xu Q3.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2016 Jan 1;461:292-304. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.09.017. Epub 2015 Sep 8.
- Polydopamine (PDA) microspheres, synthesized by a facile oxidation polymerization route, were evaluated as a potential adsorbent for selective adsorption and separation of organic dyes. The adsorption processes towards nine water-soluble dyes (anionic dyes: methyl orange (MO), eosin-Y (EY), eosin-B
- PMID 26407057
Japanese Journal
- Dclk1 distinguishes between tumor and normal stem cells in the intestine
- Nakanishi Yuki,Seno Hiroshi,Fukuoka Ayumi,Ueo Taro,Yamaga Yuichi,Maruno Takahisa,Nakanishi Naoko,Kanda Keitaro,Komekado Hideyuki,Kawada Mayumi,Isomura Akihiro,Kawada Kenji,Sakai Yoshiharu,Yanagita Motoko,Kageyama Ryoichiro,Kawaguchi Yoshiya,Taketo Makoto M,Yonehara Shin,Chiba Tsutomu
- Nature Genetics, 2012-12-02
- … Using lineage-tracing experiments, we show here that Dclk1 does not mark NSCs in the intestine but instead marks TSCs that continuously produce tumor progeny in the polyps of ApcMin/+ mice. …
- NAID 120004996279
- 近接覚・触覚によるなぞり形状推定に基づく多種食器操作キッチンアシストシステムの実現
- MDSの病態とその理解の変遷 (MDS(骨髄異形成症候群))
- 「絵本」出現の一背景 : 『絵本宝鑑』及び『大友興廃記』著者、橘宗重の出自解明を通して
Related Links
- tracingとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U]追跡,捜索.2 (図面・地図・設計図の)透写(図),複写(図).3 自動記録装置の記録. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- レイトレーシング 【 ray tracing 】 3次元グラフィックスで、物体の座標データや光源や視点の位置などの環境に関するデータを計算して画像を描画(レンダリング)する手法の一つ。視点に届く光線を逆にたどることによって描画する。
- Tracing is a legal process, not a remedy, by which a claimant demonstrates what has happened to his/her property, identifies its proceeds and those persons who have handled or received them, and asks the court to award a ...
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- (人・動物の通った)跡、足跡、わだち、すき跡。(犯人の)足取り
- (踏み固められてできた)小道
- (事件などの)形跡、証跡、跡形。(経験・境遇などの)痕跡、影響
- 僅少、気味(of)。(化)痕跡
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、minor、pursue、pursuit、rudimentary、trace amount、tracing、vestige、vestigial
- 英
- 関
- 痕跡、探究、トレース、微量、経過観察、フォローアップ
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up study、followup、pursue、pursuit、trace、tracing
- 関
- chase、follow-up、follow-up study、followup、pursue、pursuit、trace、tracing
- 関
- chase、explore、follow up、follow-up、pursuit、seek、trace、tracing