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Welcome to MEDCOM 2024

Welcome to MEDCOM 2024 which will take place from 09th – 10th May 2024 in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Hybrid Platform). Get ready to be part of this leading conference to explore the latest trends and challenges in the field and engage with top researchers and experts.

Over the years, we have gained a deep understanding of our authentic priorities and the genuine significance within the realm of global media and mass communication. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, participants will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise, and engage in thought-provoking conversations that will help shape the future of media and communication. MEDCOM has served as a premier platform for educators, researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to come together, share insights, and explore emerging trends and best practices. At the same time, we have had to relearn the power of quality research in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside of the research setting.

Don’t miss this must-attend event for media professionals to discover the latest trends and challenges in media and mass communication.

Register now for this leading conference on a hybrid platform accessible from anywhere in the world!

Purpose of MEDCOM 2024

“Synergizing the Media World”

MEDCOM 2024 seeks to bring together media and communication experts, scholars, and practitioners from around the world to discuss the role of media and mass communication in shaping the future of our society. We aim to explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in media and mass communication, with a focus on strengthening interconnectedness and cultural cohesion through shared communication across generations, communities, and identities.

The Medcom 2024 aims to actively contribute to the achievement of the following sustainable development goals on a global scale:

Resource Persons


Conference Co-Chair & Keynote Speaker

Dr. Tülây Atay


Conference Co-Chair & Keynote Speaker

Prof. Andrea Volterrani

Dr. Chris Fenner

Conference Co-Chair

Dr. Chris Fenner

Prof. Amlan Chakrabarti

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Amlan Chakrabarti

Professor Ranjan Hettiarachchi

Keynote Speaker

Professor Ranjan Hettiarachchi
Sri Lanka

Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Pembecioğlu

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Pembecioğlu

Assoc Prof Dr. Sara Chinnasamy

Plenary Speaker

Assoc Prof Dr. Sara Chinnasamy

Dr. Govind Ji Pandey

Plenary Speaker

Dr. Govind Ji Pandey

Industry Insights at MEDCOM 2024

Speech Title : “Resilience Through Crisis: 5 Lessons from Our Ukrainian PR Agency’s Survival Journey,”

Nataliia Kholod

Founder and СЕО WARTO Communications Agency

Mariia Bohatikova

Mariia Bohatikova

Head of PR WARTO Communications Agency

Unleashing Opportunities in Medcom 2024

Your Gateway to Knowledge and Networking!

A Platform of Idea Exchange and Learning

We cordially invite you to attend MEDCOM 2024, which has been meticulously designed to provide a rich and dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Opportunities to connect with the World: Global Networking

The event will offer unparalleled opportunities to participate in international networking with leading scholars, researchers, and professionals from across the globe.

Seamless Experience: Valuable Insights In-Person or Virtually

Whether you choose to attend in person or virtually, our event promises to be a valuable and enriching experience.

Engaging Workshops by Esteemed Experts

In addition, attendees will have access to a series of engaging workshops led by esteemed experts, which will enable them to develop and enhance their skills in their respective fields.








Years of Success

A Historical Overview of Our Conference

With over 1300+ participants from more than 60 countries and 160+ universities worldwide, the MEDCOM series has established itself as one of the most highly regarded Media conferences in the world. From groundbreaking research to insightful discussions and thought-provoking presentations, the conference series provides an exceptional platform for presenters and attendees to learn from the best in the field and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

Special Features

Poster Presentation Session

"PosterPalooza: Exploring Practices in Creative Communication"

We invite you to submit a research poster proposal for this interactive Research Poster session that will take place in MEDCOM 2024.
Presenting a poster is an excellent opportunity for young scholars to show their work in a visual format, promote discussion about their chosen subject, interact with seasoned academics, and receive feedback about their projects on Media and Mass Communication.

Special Networking Session

Date: 09th May 2024 | Time: 3.30 – 4.30 PM (IST)

Are you ready to expand your professional network, forge valuable connections, and engage with like-minded individuals in your field? Then join our exclusive Networking Session during the conference!

This highly anticipated event is designed to create a dynamic platform for attendees to interact, exchange ideas, and foster meaningful relationships. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this session offers a unique opportunity to connect with the peers who share your passion and aspirations.

Networking Dinner

Join us for an enchanting Networking Dinner at the MEDCOM 2024 which offers a unique opportunity to connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships with influential leaders, academics, activists, practitioners, industry experts, and passionate individuals in the field of Media and Mass Communication. Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of camaraderie, where like-minded individuals gather to celebrate achievements and discuss the path to a more inclusive future.

Workshop 01

Workshop Title: "Another Way of Communication is Possible: Syrian Diasporic Media in Türkiye"


Dr. Tülây Atay

Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
Faculty Of Communication
Journalism Department,
Antakya, Türkiye

Workshop 02

Workshop Title: "Diversity, media and social change. Crises, conflicts and the role of digital media".


Prof. Andrea Volterrani

Director of Master in
Social Comm. | Social Farming
University of Rome Tor Vergata

Panel Discussion

Topic: “Social and Political Participation in the Age of Digital Media”

Listen to Invaluable Panel Discussion from worldwide to share their treasured knowledge and experiences at the MEDCOM 2024. Join us at MEDCOM 2024, the global hub for media and communication experts, as we delve into the intricate relationship between media and truth-shaping.
Engage in conversations that dissect biases, celebrate journalistic achievements, and illuminate pathways toward a media landscape that informs and enlightens. Secure your spot to be part of this pivotal conversation that’s shaping the future of media.
If you would like to join as a panelist, the “Call for Panelists” is now open. By joining us as a panelist, you will have the opportunity to contribute to this powerful movement and leave a lasting impact on attendees.

Physical Session Chair

  • Dr. Bhavna Wal, Amity University, India
  • Dr. Sharma Gunjan, Bennett University, India
  • Dr. Rachel Moyo, Central University of Technology, South Africa
  • Dr. Samiya Asadi, Stamford University, Bangladesh

Physical Evaluation Panel Member

  • Dr. Tülây Atay, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
  • Assoc Prof Dr. Sara Chinnasamy, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  • Prof. Andrea Volterrani, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
  • Dr. Chris Fenner, University of West Florida, USA
  • Prof. Ranjan Hettiarachchi, University of Colombo – Sri Palee Campus, Sri Lanka
  • Dr. Lishanthi Wijewardane, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Virtual Session Chair

  • Dr. Ayesha Ashfaq, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Suparna Jain, Researcher Academician and Writer, India
  • Dr. Muhammad Ibtesam Mazahir, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Dr. Avashni Moonasamy, University of Zululand, South Africa
  • Dr. Ewis Nesma Omar, Abu Dhabi Vocational Educational Institute, UAE

Virtual Evaluation Panel member

  • Dr. Manisha Chauhan, India
  • Prof. Dr. Savera Mujib Shami, University of Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Alessio Ceccherelli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
  • Dr. Sayak Pal, Adams University , India
  • Dr. Yordan Karapenchev, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgeria
  • Assoc. Prof. Sharmila Kaya, Adams University , India
  • Dr. Majid-ul-ghafar, Hazar University, Pakistan
  • Martha Tri Lestari, Telkom University, Indonesia
  • Nikola Vangelov, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgeria
  • Assoc. Prof. Panida Jongsuksomsakul, Naresuan University, Thailand
  • Prof. Randy J .Soils, University of the Philiphines , Philiphines
  • Ngonso Frederick, Edo State University Uzairue, Nigeria
  • Asam Jan, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan
  • Peter Egielewa , Edo University Iyamho, Nigeria
  • Keshev Patel, University of Dehli , India
  • Paz H Diaz, Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, India
  • Sergio Ricardo Quiroga, ICAES, Argentina
  • Prof. Noveena Chakravorty, Adams University , India
  • Miral Sabry AlAshry, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Suwandi Sumartias, Public Relations Department-FIkom Unpad , Indonesia
  • Prof. Sangeeta Tripathi, University of Technology and Applied Sciences Salalah, Oman
  • Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Vivekananda Institute of professional studies, India
  • Ivan Gallegos, Davao del Norte State University, Philiphines
  • Divyani Redhu , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Rohini, India
  • Abdulqader Alkharraz, Hodiedah University, Yamen
  • Nitesh Tripathi, St. Xavier’s University, India
  • Nikhil Chandwani
  • Esra CizmeciÜmit, Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Italy

Conference Venue

Hotel Taj Samudra, Sri Lanka.

09th – 10th May 2024


Publication Opportunities in Medcom 2024

We believe your paper deserves to meet its ultimate research destination!

Media and Mass Communication
Media and Mass Communication
  • ISBN 978-624-5746-59-0
  • COPE Standard
  • Double-blind peer-reviewing from World-class Scientific Committee
  • Available Online
  • ISSN 2424-6778
  • High quality double-blind peer-reviewing
  • Open Access
  • Indexing
  • Google Scholar
  • Crossref Coverage
  • PlumX Metrics

“A Breakthrough Free TIIKM Project To Make Your Research Publication Possible”

This free project is designed to help you develop your full papers to the standard by providing support with input from a world-class publication “steering committee”, increasing the likelihood of acceptance by high-standard journals.

Peer-reviewed Journals

Conference participants have the option to submit their full papers in peer-reviewed journals which are internationally accredited from renowned publishers. Each journal will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published.

The Journal of Media, Culture & Society

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Media Asia

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Visual communication – Special Issue

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Publication History

The MEDCOM conference series has cultivated a distinguished and prolific publication history, serving as a premier platform for the global dissemination of pioneering media and mass communication research and the exchange of best practices, fostering academic excellence in the field


Proceeding Publication


Publishelp Service

Reflections on a Transformative Conference Experience

We take pride in fostering positive relationships with our participants and receiving their feedback about the conference. Read on to discover what they have to say about MEDCOM!

Our Official Partners

Co-Hosting Partner

The International Network of Media and Communication (INMC)

Co-Hosting Partner

Faculty of Management Sciences, Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Academic Partner

University of Rome Tor Vergata,

Academic Partner

University of Zululand,
South Africa

Academic Partner

Kaduna State University , Nigeria

Academic Partner

Faculty of Humanities , Central University of Technology,
South Africa

Academic Partner

The Council of Mass Communication Scholars of Thailand.

Academic Partner

xiamen university malaysia,

Academic Partner

Telkom University

Academic Partner

College of Communication
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Academic Partner

The School of Media and Communication at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, India

Academic Partner

Kalindi College, University of Delhi, India

Academic Partner

Philippines Communication Society

Strategic Partner

Sri Lanka Convention Bureau

Creative Partner

Sri Lanka Handicrafts Board (Laksala)

Media Partner

International Conference Alerts

Media Partner

American CEO

Event Partner

TIIKM Events

Tour Partner

Globeenjoy Tours

Organized By

The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM)

#531/18, Kotte road, Pitakotte,
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 117 992 022
Hotline: +94 765 733 737
email: [email protected]
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