Healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine

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How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

2025-01-23 17:01

For any movement or internal processes, our body spends a certain amount of energy. Brain activity along with the work of the digestive system and metabolism do not stop even when people sleep. Any muscle contraction consumes energy, in connection with this, calories can be spent during sleep. In addition, at night they observe the activation of many processes, and if you manage to spur them correctly, you can increase the amount of energy spent

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

2025-01-23 17:01

Does Retasol help with acne? Reviews of those who have ever used this tool will be presented in this article

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

2025-01-23 17:01

A stent is a mechanism that is placed inside the vena cava and ducts to widen narrowing areas. Let's take a closer look at how a kidney stent works, what it looks like and why it is inserted. The operation is easy and fast. In most cases, the mechanism is established for a period of 2-3 months until the normal physiological outflow of urine is restored

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

2025-01-23 17:01

Incorrect bite can cause a lot of complexes. Therefore, many parents install braces for children when the first signs of curvature appear. At the same time, they have a lot of questions about the procedure itself. How is the installation of braces? How long do you need to wear them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

2025-01-23 17:01

What does a surgeon treat? The doctor of this speci alty is engaged in the restoration of body functions through invasive intervention. There are surgeons in all areas of medicine, from neurosurgery to traumatology and dentistry

Popular for the month

"Nolpaza": side effects, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

"Nolpaza": side effects, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

The article below discusses in detail a drug called Nolpaza. Its indications, contraindications, side effects, method of administration and dosage, as well as cost, analogues and patient reviews were studied

Konkov's ointment: composition, indications for use, instructions, analogues

Konkov's ointment: composition, indications for use, instructions, analogues

Konkov's ointment. Description of the drug, the main effect on the human body, possible side effects. Indications and contraindications for the use of ointment. Similar funds available for purchase in any pharmacies of the city

Iodine solution: expiration date, storage rules, methods of application

Iodine solution: expiration date, storage rules, methods of application

Iodine solution is a popular medicine in the home first aid kit. How and how much to store the drug, how to use it correctly, what to be careful about, in what cases is it better to abstain? All these questions will be discussed below

Congestion in the lungs: what is it, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Congestion in the lungs: what is it, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Congestion in the lungs seriously complicates daily life and reduces its quality. It is important to identify the cause of shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing in a timely manner. A vigilant attitude towards one's own he alth will be the key to successful treatment

Drying creatine: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, release form, features of administration and dosage

Drying creatine: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, release form, features of administration and dosage

Creatine is a sports nutritional supplement that helps increase the body's endurance. The rules for taking this substance are different. Is it worth taking cretin on drying? There is no consensus on this

The left testicle is lower than the right: as it should be, the reasons for the deviations

The left testicle is lower than the right: as it should be, the reasons for the deviations

The he alth of the genitals requires vigilant attention. The left testicle in a man is located lower than the right one, which is explained by the peculiarities of ensuring blood flow, therefore it is the norm. What causes deviations can be observed in the male body? What is important to pay attention to?

Pneumatization of the sinuses. In what cases does pneumatization decrease and increase?

Pneumatization of the sinuses. In what cases does pneumatization decrease and increase?

Normal pneumatization of the sinuses determines the quality of human breathing. Failures in this process will lead to a feeling of nasal congestion. Vigilant attention to one's own he alth is the key to well-being

Where is the anterior chamber of the eye located: anatomy and structure of the eye, functions performed, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Where is the anterior chamber of the eye located: anatomy and structure of the eye, functions performed, possible diseases and methods of treatment

The structure of the human eye allows us to see the world in colors the way it is usually perceived. The anterior chamber of the eye plays an important role in the perception of the environment, any deviations and injuries can affect the quality of vision

Sore throat when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

Sore throat when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

If a person has a sore throat when inhaling, you should immediately go to the doctor for an examination. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner the problem can be de alt with. Such a symptom may indicate the presence of dental disease, allergies, vitamin deficiency and other pathologies

Discharge after caesarean section - features, duration, norms and pathology

Discharge after caesarean section - features, duration, norms and pathology

Many mothers-to-be think about caesarean section. They believe that this procedure is their lifeline, rather than ordinary childbirth. Any doctor will recommend a natural process in the absence of contraindications, because after the operation it will take a long period to restore strength and he alth. Any woman must know the most important aspect of such a procedure - this is how much discharge goes after a cesarean section. What should they be and what is their optimal amount?

Daily Value of Calcium for Women, Men and Children

Daily Value of Calcium for Women, Men and Children

In order for the body to function and develop normally, it must regularly replenish the reserves of valuable minerals. From today's article, you will find out what is the daily intake of calcium for women and children, what are the consequences of an excess or lack of this element

Excess calcium: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, necessary treatment and medical advice

Excess calcium: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, necessary treatment and medical advice

Hypercalcemia is a dangerous condition for the body, and even a slight excess of its value, recognized as the norm, requires attention. Excess calcium can negatively affect the functioning of most organs, including the most important ones, such as the brain, kidneys and heart

White honey: photos, varieties, useful properties and contraindications, from which it is obtained

White honey: photos, varieties, useful properties and contraindications, from which it is obtained

Honey is known to all. Its beneficial medicinal properties have been used by man since ancient times. There are many types of honey. Among others is the so-called white honey, the usefulness of which is priceless

Kalina: useful properties and contraindications

Kalina: useful properties and contraindications

Kalina is famous for a wide range of useful properties. Moreover, not only its red berries, but the entire bush have a healing effect. And this is the bark, and the fruits, and the seeds, and the flowers, and the leaves. The medicinal components that fill this plant are used both in the preparation of medicines and in traditional medicine

Removable full prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Removable full prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Sooner or later, a person is faced with the problem of losing teeth. This is mainly due to age-related changes in the body. The solution to this problem is dentures. How to choose the best, because each type has its pros and cons?

Clasp prostheses for the upper jaw. Dentures: prices

Clasp prostheses for the upper jaw. Dentures: prices

Bugel dentures are a modern and correct solution for those people who have problems with their dentition. This is an excellent method of restoring all the functions of the teeth. Read about the features of their installation and care in the article

Fixed dentures for teeth: reviews and features

Fixed dentures for teeth: reviews and features

Modern dentistry is one of the most advanced areas of medicine. She is able to solve almost any problem that is associated with the teeth and jaw. The patient can be offered many options for solving a particular problem. At the same time, the orientation is aimed at the individual characteristics of the body and the nuances of a particular clinical case

Ointment "Antipsoriaz": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Antipsoriaz": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Chronic skin diseases that occur with the appearance of scaly red spots and noticeable itching are diagnosed as psoriasis. For many years, researchers around the world have been looking for effective means to combat this disease. One of these drugs is Antipsoriasis ointment

Psoriasis: first signs, types, treatment

Psoriasis: first signs, types, treatment

Psoriasis is the most common type of chronic dermatosis. This is a complex disease that can manifest itself in different ways and have different origins. In most cases, psoriasis is considered a non-life-threatening disease. But there is information about the fatal outcome of this disease due to its improper treatment

Causes of psoriasis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Causes of psoriasis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that causes chronic flaking. The causes of psoriasis can be different. According to statistics, 4% of the world's population suffer from this disease