Here are a few things that are different about Płock:
#1: Pizza and its Sauce: Here in Plock the main restaurants in town are Pizza, Kebabs, and traditional Polish food. Wherever you go around the world, Pizza is just not the same as it is at home. Here the individual sized pizzas are large - 32 more than enough for one person. With every pizza they ask you if you want garlic or tomato sauce. This sauce is not the sauce on your main pizza. They bring you an extra gravy boat of sauce. So yes, sometimes we have a pizza that is way too big for one person and two extra grazy boats of sauce...healthy right? Delicious nonetheless!
#2: TV and Dubbing Voice : I have told many people about my two English stations on TV here, Bloomberg and a goofy music video channel. The truth is that many of the other channels have English shows on, but the Polish people make it very difficult to watch. On every station, for every show, they have the SAME man, dub every voice, for every character. He is speaking for every character in Polish, and has no expression in his voice whatsoever. If you turn up the TV loud enough you can hear the English, but its just not worth it with the Polish man ruining every scene...watching Sex and the City just isn't the same...
#3. Picking Mushrooms: September started a new season here...Mushroom Season. I was speaking with one of my friends here, Anna, and she was very excited to have two days off. So I asked her, "Oh what will you do with your time off?" She then told me all about how she and her friends plan to spend the days picking mushrooms. After they were done, they will spend the whole next day boiling them and storing them for the next couple months. She also told me about how many people die each year during mushroom picking. They all know how to tell the difference between the poisonous ones and the good ones...but sometimes people make the mistake. This tradition isn't just my friend Anna - everyone in Poland does it -- and apparently almost all other Slavic nations. I will stick to buying my mushrooms at the store :)
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Mushrooms...not sure if they are poisonous.. |
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Town Square at Night -- Clock tower is where trumpeter trumpets |
#5: Sundays in Płock: Sundays in Płock are definitely something to enjoy! Everyone from the surrounding towns come to the "city" to enjoy a festival, have a nice dinner, and sometimes just a nice stroll by the River Wisla. Every Sunday the town square comes alive. A man brings out his popcorn stand and sells balloons and popcorn. Another man, who I swear is a homeless man, brings out his pony for pony rides. When it was warmer out, kids would put on their swim suits and swim in the fountain. The town also has a small train on wheels that hosts tours all around the town, including the river. As featured in previous entries, every weekend we have been here there was a festival including a Reggae Festival, an "Air and Water Show", a Techno Festival, and even a beauty pageant...among sooo many more!
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Weekend Popcorn Cart |
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Set-up for one of the crazy festivals |
It has been a crazy summer and September!