I've been on quite a blogging hiatus. Sorry. I'm sure no one really cares anyway, but I need these pictures for my blog scrapbook. So many things have happened since the last time I blogged that I'm just going to give you a quick recap on everything.
Starting with Luke's little league. He was on a team with Preston and they had a great time together. We learned Luke is a horrible catcher . . . although he looks really cute in the gear.
Jared took Sydney and Raegan on a big daddy daughter date to NY. His sister, Stephanie, went with him in my place. I wasn't ready to leave my 3 month old at home and didn't think it sounded fun to take a baby to NY.
They had a great time and Wicked was the highlight of the trip.
We celebrated Memorial Day.
Jared worked on his outdoor kitchen.
We finished the patio.
After the patio was finished we decided to put in the pool. I'm pretty sure we did that backwards!
We blessed Katherine.
I changed her dress after the blessing because she spits up so much, I didn't want it to be ruined.
Sydney performed in Annie the musical.
Went to several Astros games.
Sydney turned 12. WHAT?
Maggie is still cute.
Sydney talked me into cutting her hair. It was and is still hard for me! Then she broke her arm falling off her bike.
I took Raegan and Kat to Amarillo to see the Lelands.
Sydney went to her first year of camp. She was roommates with Hannah.
They had a blast!
Kat and Amelia spent a lot of time together.
Rae and Luke were on the swim team.
Kat is still the BEST, easiest, cutest and most amazing baby ever!!!!
Finished the pool.
Grilled A LOT on the new grill.
Went to Lake Travis with the Moore family. This picture was from a day they went zip lining.
Carrie and I took the kids to Cirque du Soleil . . . which was so awesome!
Sydney and Luke did a golf camp.
The kids also went to Dallas alone to see Nini and Papa (Jared's parents). They had a great time and so did we in our really quiet house!!! I don't have any pictures of that.
In a quick nut shell. . . there was our summer.