Bringing the hope and love of Christ to a MetaVerse generation.
Join over 300k other players
on Metasaint
Help bring the gospel
to the Metaverse.
Meeting young people where they’re at.
At ICON Ministry, we're dedicated to bridging gaps and reaching hearts, especially during those formative years. Upon reflecting on our mission, we realized a pivotal opportunity: the 12-15 age demographic often journeys through their digital and daily lives with few encounters that spark a connection with Jesus. This realization struck a chord with us and ignited our passion project, MetaSaint.
With Roblox's unprecedented reach among the youth, we see a fertile ground, not just for play, but for planting seeds of faith. Unlike other platforms, Roblox has yet to see the Gospel flourish—and we're set to change that narrative. This initiative is about illuminating the digital realm with the enduring light of the Gospel, fostering a community where curiosity about Jesus can bloom into a beautiful journey of faith.
It's essential that the church extends its embrace to this virtual expanse, to be present where the conversations of tomorrow are taking shape. MetaSaint is our bold step into this new world—a world where presence can transcend physical boundaries, and the message of hope and salvation can resonate in every pixel and interaction. Join us in this groundbreaking mission to ensure that as more people inhabit these digital spaces, they find a sanctuary and a vibrant Christian community awaiting them in MetaSaint.
Explore the Inner
Beauty of Our Faith.
Our goal is to craft a nurturing environment that offers young individuals, who might not typically find themselves in a church, the chance to experience the profound beauty, fulfilment, and sense of community that lies ahead. While this digital realm cannot replicate the authentic experience of the Church in its entirety, it serves as a valuable starting point for embarking on their journey with Christ.
Immerse Yourself in
the Story of Salvation.
MetaSaint will allow players to be transported into modern depictions of stories within the Bible, for example traveling to the Garden of Eden and encountering Adam and Eve.
Meet Our Special
Project Coordinator
Stay up to date on the status of the MetaSaint
project by checking this section every month!

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Your generous support
will go directly towards:
Reaching out to millions more of generation Alpha with the Gospel Message
Furthering the development of MetaSaint platform with more of the Gospel Message
Enabling us to increase child safety and proper spiritual direction through 24-hour staffing.
Allowing us to partner with other major organisations such as Alpha Youth to reach further
Helping us get this game into schools through the development of a Child-safe App.
Support MetaSaint
FRG Ministry International (USA) is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit. All US donations are federal tax-deductible.
FRG Ministry Australia is a registered religious charity. All donations received in Australia are tax exempt for FRG Ministry, but are not tax deductible for the donor.