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Things to consider while travelling in India
- Watch your step while you walk
Most of the houses have rangoli (Traditional Indian patterns drawn using coloured sand or powder) at the front of the house/courtyards. Watch your step while you walk and do not stamp on the rangoli.
- Purchase Mineral Water bottle
Please refrain yourself from drinking tap water. It is best to buy mineral water. However if you are planning to stay for long and in a budget then considering boiling tap water before consuming.
- Leave your shoes off while visiting Temples or somebody’s home
Temple is a sacred place and it is a customary in India to take off the shoes before entering. Look for stands to place your shoes near temple either for free or at a nominal price. Also Please take off shoes while entering someone’s house unless told by the host to let it go.
- Do not take or give items in your left hand
Giving or taking items in left hand is considered not good in India. Even a baby is trained to eat , give, take in right hand even if the baby prefers to use left hand.