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Кышкар:Str left: версий-влак коклаште ойыртем

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1 корно: 1 корно:
<div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:16; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; font-family:monospace; font-size:40pt">
<big><big>Main Page disabled</big></big>

As you may know, we have been going slow recently. We are about to fix this, but recent changes must be disabled temporaily to complete this delicate operation.
''The Wikimedia Development team''


21:29, 3 шорыкйол 2010 жаплан кызытсе версий

{{Str left|<string>|<count>}}

Gives the <count> substring of characters from the start of the string (the substring has length <count>).

If <count> is invalid or empty, an empty string is returned. If undefined, it defaults to 1.

  • Length to 500: The maximum substring stops at 500 long, yet gives no error message. Only 500 characters can be extracted even if the <string> is longer.
  • Inexpensive (uses no other templates).
  • {{Str left| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | 10 }} → lorem ipsu
  • {{Str left| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | 1 }} → l
  • {{Str left| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | 0 }}
  • {{Str left| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | }}
  • {{Str left| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet }} → l
  • {{Trunc}} - truncate right-side of string
  • {{Str right}} - extract remainder of string
  • {{Str rightc}} - extract right-side of string
  • {{Str len}} - get numeric length of string (can be over 300 long)