Sunday, January 22, 2012

Visit in Salt Lake City

 Mike had the week between Christmas and New Years off, so we decided to get in the car and drive down to Utah.  We had not been back down there since we moved in the summer.  The first thing that we wanted to do was to go and visit Mike's Grandma and Grandpa Karpowitz.  It was so much fun.  The kids loved having another grandma and grandpa to talk to.  We are so lucky that they are here and we can visit and learn from them.  We are so lucky that we live close enough to go and visit them now.  The kids loved having their picture taken so I got quite a few shots.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas 2011

I started this blog to help keep a record of the things that have happened in my family.  I have not been good at it at all.  But it is a new year so here we go.
Christmas came to our house.  The kids were so excited and I think they were happy with the things that Santa brought to them.

Laci had such a fun year this year.  She got what was going on.  Her theme was Barbie.  She loves to play with barbies right now.  She got a couple barbie movies, a barbie with a horse, a coloring book with her own markers, a pillow pet that I made for her, and a blanket that I also made.

Hailee got a Tag reader system.  She loves to read and I wish that I could read to her all the time, but I just can't.  So this will be so much fun for her to read whenever she wants.  She also got a barbie with horse, a movie and a princess book. 

Jordan got some tools for his tool box that he made in cub scouts.  He had been asking for tools since then and was very excited about getting them in his stocking.  He also got a Wii game and his big gift was a remote control car.  He was SOOO excited.

Mackenzie got a robe (mostly to help her to learn more modesty with two brothers in the house),  a bunch of new clothes that she asked for, new boots and an American girl doll (a fake of course), but she did not care.   Her grandma Pickup made her some clothes for her doll.  She loves having a doll to dress up.

McKay got some star wars guys, a Wii game, a book, and his big gift, like Jordan, was a remote control car.  The unfortunate part about the cars was that they ran on the same frequency.  So we had to return them and get them different cars.  What kind of company does that?? But overall it was great. 

Since Christmas was on a Sunday, we got to get all dressed up and go to church after presents.  Both these little girls look so cute.  I did not get a picture of the other kids.  They changed too quick once we got home. ;(

Love the way she poses!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hailee Preschool

Haliee is starting preschool this year.  She is going to a preschool as a typical peer with some kids that have learning delays and things like that.  I am so proud of her.  There is transportation provided for the students.  I signed up for it, but never heard anything from anyone.  This morning, as I was getting the big kids out the door for school, in the middle of prayer, the bus pulls up to our house.  Mackenzie says, "why is there a bus in the front of our house"?  I went out and sure enough, it was the preschool bus, but on one called me to tell me about when they were coming.  So we ran and got Hailee's backpack. (she was already dressed.  She gets dressed as soon as she gets up) and ran her out to the bus.  As we were walking out,she looked as me and said "Mom, this is going to be so essiting (exciting)".  I had just enough time to snap a quick picture before she waved good bye and went on the bus.  When she came home, I asked the bus driver how she did.  He said that she was great and he wished that all his kids were as good as her.  Ahh, I love that kid.  I am so proud of her and all she is growing up to be. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We have moved across the country this summer and spent a lot of time together just our family.  I LOVE that I have such a great family.  We are far from perfect, but I sure would not choose anyone different.  Our summer started out with the boys going to scout camp.  They LOVE being cub scouts.  They had so much fun.  We stayed a week longer in Ohio so that they could attend.  My WONDERFUl dad came to Ohio to drive to Texas with me so that I did not have to do it alone.  I left the first home and Mike and I bought in the hands of the renters and drove away.  It was a bitter/sweet feeling.  We know that we are supposed to be moving, but it is hard to leave behind the things and people that you love.  I have so many good memories in Ohio.  We added two of my favorite people to our family there.  I made friendships that will last a lifetime there.  I miss Ohio and think about all the people there often. 
The kids and I decided to make a stop in Texas on our way to Idaho.  We did not have a place to move into until the first of july so we took a little vacation.  We spent our days laying around the pool and playing with grandma and grandpa.  They were great to have around too.  There is just nothing like going home to mom and dad's house.  Again, my WONDERFUL mother this time, was going to drive to Idaho with me.  We told Mike and we would be here on the 15th of July which was a Friday.  But his birthday was on the 13th so we decided to surprise him.  We left 3 days early and made our way out west.  The drive was not too bad and the kids did GREAT.  We stopped in Provo to spend the day with my brothers and then made the rest of our trip to Idaho.  Mike was SOOO happy to see us.  He sure missed his family.  We have since settled and are enjoying our new home in Nampa Idaho.

Trip to the Zoo

I was going to post something and I found this draft in my inbox.  This was the last time that we went to the Columbus Zoo before Mike left to come to Idaho.  This was a great zoo and I am so glad that we got to go so many times while we lived in Ohio.  We miss it.

Sunday, May 01, 2011


An attempt at Easter picture.  I love these kids. This is Laci's picture face.  LOVE IT.

Laci stomping through the puddles at the Egg Hunt.  She was SOOOO muddy, but she had tons of fun.  I was getting looks from other mothers and I thought "what?  It's only mud.  She can take a bath later".

Patiently waiting for the hunt to begin.  It started 30 minutes late.   

After the hunt.  Look at all the mud.  

How we began our day. 
On Easter, we remember the Resurrection of the Savior.  His perfect example.  As we talked to the kids about what it meant, I was so happy to know that they knew that we celebrated this day because he was Resurrected from the dead and not that he was crucified.  We celebrate that he lives and he rose from the dead and because He did that, we can live again.  I love that I know who the Savior is and the love that He has for me and my family.  I am thankful for His example so that I can strive to be like Him and teach my children to follow Him.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Trampoline disaster

Here in the Midwest, there has been quite a bit of strong weather.  Usually we move the trampoline on the side of the house so that it is not out in the wind.  Mike was out of town and I did not think about it.  I woke up and went down stairs and the I did not see the trampoline anywhere in the back yard.  I finally found it, two houses down, in a tree.  Needless to say, it was ruined.  We had to wait till that night when Mike got home to get it out of the tree.  The kids were besides themselves with grief.  Mike wanted to get it taken apart and out by the curb.  The next day was trash day.  The kids helped him take the whole thing apart and while they were, the had a little memorial service for the trampoline.  Mackenzie was remembering the time that I jumped on the trampoline.  I guess I should have done it more then once :).  McKay said "You were good to us".  Jordan said that he has no idea what he is going to do without it.   Yes, it was a sad day at our house when the trampoline died.  Thankfully for them, when we get a new house we plan on getting the kids a new one.  I have to admit I am almost as sad as the kids that we no longer have a trampoline.  It was like a babysitter for the kids.  I will be happy to get another one when we get settled.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekend Away

The weekend that the twins got baptized we decided to take a trip to Kirtland Ohio since we live so close.  My mom had never been to Kirtland before.  This is a picture of all of us, minus Hailee-don't know where she was- in the Newell K Whitney store.

These front doors are the doors that the Prophet Joseph Smith walked through and said to Newell K Whitney and said "You have prayed me here.  Now what do you want with me".

This is the John Johnson farm.  Joseph Smith stood on these steps and preached the Gospel to people. 

The doors to the Kirtland Temple. 

A cute picture of Hilee and Grandma.

The Kirtland Temple.  I love that we got to go and see this beautiful building built by the Saints of the early church.  I am so grateful for the sacrifice they made to build this building.  I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet and the he brought the fullness of the Gospel back to the earth.  I know that we stood in sacred places in Kirtland.  Places where the Prophet stood and preached the Lords Gospel.  I feel very blessed to have been born at this time when the Gospel has been fully restored.