Shark drone helped to destroy Grad MRL and T-90 in Pokrovsk sector

Shark drone helped to destroy Grad MRL and T-90 in Pokrovsk sector

Defence intelligence Donbas Occupants elimination UAV Ukraine War in Donbas War with Russia

In the Pokrovsk sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces used a Shark drone to hit a Grad multiple rocket launcher, a T-90 tank and a howitzer.

The Come Back Alive Foundation said that the Shark drone had been used by the operators from the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

The reconnaissance drone first detected a BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher, which it began to monitor.

The Russians tried to hide it in a forest, which the Ukrainian forces struck and destroyed.

Then Shark drone discovered a howitzer at the invaders’ position, which was also hit.

The intelligence officers also discovered a Russian T-90 tank in another forest and struck at its position.

Ураження російської реактивної установки БМ-21 "Град" та танка Т-90 в камері безпілотника Shark. Жовтень 2024. Україна. Кадри з відео фонду "Повернись живим"

“A Shark drone makes a hit in the Pokrovsk sector. As a result, a Grad MRL, a T-90 and an invader’s howitzer are on fire. And we and OKKO filling stations handed over a reconnaissance system to the soldiers of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine as part of the Eye for an Eye project,” the foundation said.

In 2023, as part of the Eye for an Eye project, volunteers raised funds for 25 Shark unmanned systems.

The 25 systems include 75 drones from Ukrspecsystems (50 main UAVs and 25 for the operational reserve to replace the lost ones).

Український військовий з безпілотником SHARK. Липень 2023. Україна. Фото: "Повернись Живим"

The Shark unmanned aerial system is a development of the Ukrspecsystems.

The UAV is equipped with a highly reliable communication module and a modern camera system that allows it to go deep into the enemy’s rear (up to 60 km) and conduct surveillance at a distance of up to 5 km between the UAV and the object.

Безпілотник Shark українських нацгвардійців. Березень 2024. Україна. Фото: Фонд "Повернись живим"

Ukrainian PD-2 and Shark drones use the AES-256 encryption standard to protect data transmission.

Defence intelligence Donbas Occupants elimination UAV Ukraine War in Donbas War with Russia