Residential energy efficiency and decarbonization:
Renewable energy generation and storage:
established an ambitious goal of reducing Michigan’s building emissions 17% by 2030. While modern building codes and new appliances have helped increase overall energy efficiency in homes built over the last 50 years, older residences are lagging in energy-efficiency measures and often rely on fossil-fueled appliances. Older homes (roughly 50% of the state’s housing stock) tend to be more difficult to decarbonize due to the intensity of upgrades required.
Disadvantaged communities face additional challenges. While residents may be income-qualified for upgrades, benefits are often deferred due to costly repairs required to make homes “weatherization ready,” like roof repair or lead abatement. These challenges exacerbate the inequities in residential decarbonization and energy-efficiency efforts, presenting major roadblocks to meeting the state’s building emissions targets.
How can we overcome these roadblocks? We believe that the answer lies in combining critical home repair with energy efficiency and decarbonization upgrades all at once. It’s an all-hands-on-deck idea, but one that we plan to realize through strategic partnerships with possibilities to scale. And we believe there’s no better place to start than Flint.
We’re partnering with Genesee County Habitat for Humanity to combine our residential decarbonization efforts with Habitat’s long-standing and successful critical home repair program for low-income residents. It’s a “dig-once” approach to decarbonization; while a qualifying homeowner is receiving major structural repairs or accessibility improvements, their home will also be outfitted with decarbonization technologies, such as heat pumps, rooftop solar systems and battery storage devices. The result will be homes that are safe, comfortable, efficient and resilient — all at no extra cost to the homeowner. It will take a concerted effort to meet the state’s climate goals, but we believe that by showing a path forward for homes in cities like Flint, we can catalyze similar programs in communities across Michigan.