Whatever your event, Miraiker will ensure it is a success through one of her acclaimed children's entertainment packages. Totally flexible and based around your requirements, Miraiker offers a huge range of puppet shows, magic, balloon modelling, party games and nineteen years worth of performing experience. Choose from a simple puppet show to a fully staffed children's corner.

Perfect for every occasion and venue, there is no event that Miraiker can't help to make a success. Regardless of whether you're just looking for an afternoon's balloon modelling, or someone to provide an entire day's worth of quality entertainment, Miraiker is the person for you.

Miraiker's puppet shows can be booked alone or with her "live puppet show", "have a go booth" or a host of other exciting options some of which are shown below. 
Punch and Judy, Punch and Judy show, Miraiker, Miraiker's World of puppets, puppet maker, puppet show
Click here to contact Miraiker and see how she can help you. 
George and the dragon, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Puppet shows now available
Punch and Judy show, Punch and Judy, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Goldilocks and the three bears, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Three little pigs, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Punch and Judy
Click picture to see a short video.
George and the Dragon
Goldilocks and the three bears
​The three little pigs
Click picture to see a short video.
three billy goats gruff, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
little red riding hood, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Cyclops, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
Jack and the beanstalk, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
​Jack and the beanstalk
The three billy goats Gruff
​Click picture to see a short video.
Little Red Riding Hood
​Other exciting options
Balloon model, balloon modelling, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
children's magic, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
live puppet show, punch and judy, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
teddy bears picnic, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
have a go booth, Punch and Judy, puppet show, Miraiker, Miraiker's world of puppets, puppet maker
​Have a go puppet booth
​Live puppet show
​Children's magic
​Teddy bear's picnic
Pictures with red captions have a video clip attached.